Chapter 11

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The doorbell rings and I dash down the stairs to open the door before my dad can.  I don’t want a repeat of the last time Lindsey came here.  I open the door to find Lindsey dressed in a ridiculous black beanie and some kind of short black jumpsuit thing.

“What the hell are you wearing?” I frown at her.  “What’s with the jumpsuit?”

“It’s a playsuit.” She says, looking at me like I’m an idiot.  It doesn’t look very playful to me.  “And I’m dressed to spy silly, duh, like you said we would?” And the shortness of that playsuit really wouldn’t camouflage anything.  Although I guess she couldn’t wear a full length black outfit either, or she’d burn to death in the summer night heat.  “Why aren’t you dressed up?” she asks.

“Uhm, because I didn’t see the need to.” I say.  “Come on.  We’re not actually going on a super-secret spy mission.” I roll my eyes.

Lindsey sighs.  “Trust me.  Getting caught by your boyfriend while spying on him isn’t fun.”  She’s actually done this before?  I bet her boyfriend wasn’t trying to ruin her best friend’s family.  “Don’t worry.  I brought a spare.”

A spare playsuit?  I don’t think so.  “There’s no way in hell I’m wearing that.”

“Aw come on Al.  It’ll be cute.” Zac sticks his head out from the side of the doorway.  What the f is he doing here!? 

“Oh yeah. Forgot to mention…” Lindsey giggles and bites her lip.  “I kinda invited Zac along cos I finally tracked him down and he said we could hang out tonight and I said I was doing something with you and he asked what and…”

“Long story short,” Zac interrupts.  “I’m coming too.”

“No.  You aren’t.” I say.  I’m not sure how much Zac knows about tonight’s plan, but whatever it is, I don’t want him knowing anymore.  The fact that I’m spying on my boyfriend is already embarrassing.  I don’t want him knowing that I’m suspicious of Jordan getting orders from his psycho dad too, proving that I’m actually considering what he said.

“Aw come on.  Please Al?  I promise I’ll kick Jordan’s butt if he’s actually cheating on you.”

Cheating on me?  “Wait, what?” I ask, ignoring his comment about the butt kicking.  We both know I wouldn’t need his butt kicking skills.

“Aren’t you spying on him to make sure he’s not cheating on you?” Zac asks in a mocking voice.  I have the feeling he already knows the real reason I’m spying on Jordan.  He obviously can’t really think I’d spy on Jordan if I thought he was supposedly cheating on me.  He knows I’d be more confronting about it.

“No.” I say, playing along.  “Where did you get that idea from?”

“Lindsey.” Zac shrugs.

“I thought you were spying on him because he’s meeting a girl tonight!” Lindsey exclaims, throwing her hands in the air.  “If it’s not that then what is it?”

“Yeah what is it Al?  Does it have something to do with what I told you after my party?” Zac looks at me expectantly.

I’m not about to admit this to him.  I’m not about to give him the slightest satisfaction that I think he’s right.

“Relax.  I know it does.” Zac smirks.  He can read my face too well.

“Fine.” I say through gritted teeth.

“So why are we spying?  Sorry.  I’m completely lost.” Lindsey says, looking back and forth from Zac to me.

I hesitate.  Should I share Zac’s family issues?  Are they meant to be private?

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