Chapter 3

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"Ally!" Lindsey greets me with a big unwanted hug and drags me through the door and up to her room. It's intimidating. The room is just as messy as mine, only a different messy. There are dresses and various items of floral clothing scattered across the floor, a big desk with bottles of opened makeup and a large mirror attached, but the biggest difference is the massive amounts of pale pink and white.

There are three girls lounging on the bed, texting and reading a magazine. I recognise them as Lindsey's friends, Trina, Anna and Savannah. Unlike Lindsey, however, they are stupid and unbearable. "I didn't know you were inviting your friends." I say, making it obvious I'm annoyed.

"Lighten up Ally. They're here to help. These girls are amazing with fashion, hair and makeup. You wanna look hot, don't you?"

I sigh. I do want to look hot, and if Trina, Anna and Savannah will make me that, I'm going to have to deal with it. "Well, let's get started then." I say, sure that I'm going to regret it.

"Girls," Lindsey sings. "It's maaaakeover time!"

I swear Lindsey is trying to burn my hair off. First she sent the other girls downstairs to get something and now she's got this huge hot rod thing and she's trying to coil my hair around it. I'm about to yell at her and accuse her of trying to make me bald when she unravels my hair from the rod and it comes out all springy like her's. Phew.

"So, Ally... you and Zac, you're close right?" Lindsey holds the rod up and looks at me in the mirror.

"Um yeah..." She is so on to me.

"Do you think I'd have a chance with him?" Or not. "I mean, like, do you think he'd date me?" Honestly, there is no chance that Zac would ever date Lindsey. I mean, first of all, he doesn't date seriously, and secondly, he doesn't come back for seconds. Zac and Lindsey dated back in the seventh grade for a whole month. That's a record for Zac, but that was when he was new to dating. I'm about to tell her this when she says, "You could talk to him for me, right? I mean, I am doing you a huge favour with this makeover." Of course. Of course Lindsey expects something in return. She's smart like that.

"Of course I'll talk to him for you." I smile at Lindsey. Technically I'm not lying. I will talk to him. He just won't date her.

"Great. Now let's get you dressed and dolled up!"

What the hell am I wearing!? Somehow, Lindsey and the girls have managed to squeeze me into a tiny black dress with matching heels that are only just low enough for me to walk in. My hair is loose but instead of being dead straight, it's now slightly curly and has volume. There is literally no room for imagination. The dress barely covers my butt and it's so tight that all my curves are showing. I look like one of those stupid girls the guys are always hooking up with, which I guess is kinda the point.

"You look sooooo hot!" I think that's Trina speaking but I can't be sure. All the girls sound the same.

"Yeah. You're gonna rock this party tonight Ally Cat." Lindsey says, touching up my smoky eye shadow.

I look at myself in the full length mirror one more time. "I can't do this. Get me out of this thing."

"What!? Noooo. You can't back out now!"

"Yes. Yes I can." I say, taking off my heels.

"No. You are going to this party. Trust me. It'll be worth it. Loads of boys will be looking at you." And one of them will be Zac.

I sigh. "Okay... I have come this far."

"Yay! Let's go girlies." Lindsey gives us a flirtatious wink. The other girls laugh but I didn't find that funny.

Zac has a party at his house every Sunday night of the summer. He says it's because Friday and Saturday night parties are too common and people deserve to party on Sunday nights too, or something like that. This is the first time I'm turning up to his party wearing something other than a t-shirt and a pair of cut-off jean shorts.

"Deep breaths Ally. You can do this." Lindsey is trying to calm my nerves as we walk towards Zac's front door. The house is practically vibrating from all the loud music. There are a couple of people on the lawn and their eyes immediately go to us. I guess that's what happens when you arrive in a group of 'hot' girls.

"Now remember to talk to Zac for me." She says, pushing open the front door. "There he is. Go to him." Lindsey practically pushes me inside. Oh god I am so nervous. Why am I so nervous? I need a drink.

I'm walking towards the kitchen when I crash into a hard chest. "Hey." It's Zac. I peek up and him and see that he's giving me that slightly off smile he saves for girls. The smile disappears as soon as he sees my face. "Ally?"

"Hey." I give him a meek smile.

"What the hell are you wearing!?"

"I uh decided to try something different."

"Well it looks uncomfortable." Zac's eyes are roaming down my body. If it weren't for that comment I would think he's checking me out, but he's probably just assessing how uncomfortable the outfit is. What was I thinking? This is such a bad idea.

"Just stay away from any assholes okay?" Zac's hands are on my shoulders and he's looking at me, concerned.

"I can look after myself Zac." I say, rolling my eyes and shrugging him off. "Now if you don't mind, I'm getting myself a drink."

"I'll come with you." He says. He's looking at me all concerned again. Ugh

"No thanks." I storm into the kitchen forcing myself not to look back at Zac.

After downing a shot or five I decide that I seriously need to go to the bathroom. I tipsily walk down the hallway and open a door. Wait, this isn't the bathroom. It's a bedroom and there's a drunk guy passed out on the bed. I giggle. "Wakey wakey sleeping beauty." I say, poking the guy with my finger.

He opens his eyes. "Hey." He rubs his eyes and looks directly at my chest. Ewww. "Well aren't you something?" He says grabbing my arm and trying to pull me down onto the bed.

"No thanks. Bye bye now." I say laughing. Why am I laughing?

The guy gets up. "You know, I love it when girls play hard to get." He lunges for me and pushes me up against the wall. How is he so fast? The guy starts kissing my neck. Wet sloppy disgusting kisses. His hands are feeling down my body and I feel like throwing up at the sensation. How do I get this guy off me? My brain isn't working properly and I can feel his hands working up to the zipper on my dress. Think Ally. Think. I'm about to knee him in the balls when the guy collapses. I sigh in relief and look up to find Zac holding one of his mom's jugs above his head.

"I had the situation under control." I say, slurring my words and glaring at him.

"No. No you didn't." Zac is laughing, breathy relieved laughs. Is he really laughing at me?

"God Zac, you don't need to protect me."

"Normally I don't have to, but when you're dressed like that..." he says, gesturing at my dress.

"Alright I get it. You don't like what I'm wearing."

"No. I never said that."

"Just leave me alone Zac." I push myself off the wall and leave the room. I can't believe I thought I could just turn up looking hot and Zac would like me. I find myself a chair to sit on and wait until I can spot someone to give me a ride. I'm way too drunk to make my way home alone. Normally I would stay here with Zac but I just can't wait to get out of here.

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