Chapter 1

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Emergency Phone Operator's POV:

It was the last five minutes of my work day, and all I wanted to do was go home and see my family. All of the calls from that day were pointless and were not emergencies at all, until the last call of the day.

The office phone on my desk was ringing so I picked it up and did the usual procedure.

"911, please state your emergency," I answered, unhappy.

"Please help me!" a young girl screamed, terrified.

I wonder what's wrong? It's probably just another wife complaining about her husband. She sounds too scared and young for it to just be a husband though.

"Ma'am please calm down. What's wrong?" I asked with a bit of concern.

"She's killing him!" a shrill scream came through the phone.

"Please calm down and tell me what's wrong dear," I persuaded as my heart pounded.

This is serious! And to think I just thought that this was a stupid call! I need to help this girl in every way possible!

"My mom is killing my dad! My mom is killing my dad! Help! Help!" the girl screamed.

"Where's your location ma'am?" I asked very worried.

"10762 Blue Crescent Drive. Please help!" the girl cried.

I pointed the phone away from my mouth and called over the policemen.

"There's a girl located on 10762 Blue Crescent Drive whose mom is killing her dad. It sounds very serious and you need to get over there ASAP," I explained and sent them off.

They ran off and all got into there cop cars to begin their drive there. The sirens of each and every cop car went off, and I turned my attention back towards the girl.

"I'm sending help right now. Can I please get you name sweetheart?" I asked calmly.

"Chelsea Martia," she replied while heavily breathing.

"Okay Chelsea, what's happening right now?" I questioned, hiding my fear.

"My mom is shouting out for me," she whispered as she cried.

"I want you to quietly go into a room with a lock on it and lock yourself in there, okay?" I demanded.

"I already locked myself in my little sister's room," she replied, still crying.

Shit! She's got a little sister to look out for too! She and I need to stay super calm! One wrong move and that could be it!

"Is your sister with you?" I asked calmly.

"Yes," she answered quietly.

"How old are both of you?" I questioned while writing every word of what she was saying down.

"I'm fourteen and my sister is only six years old," she replied crying.

"You two are very young. It's a good thing that you called the police," I said, trying to calm her down.

"I think the police got here. Should I call out where I am?" she asked with hope.

"No. They'll find you. I promise," I told her honestly.

"Okay," she cried.

After a few minutes of trying to calm her down, a police officer talked back into the phone.

"This is Officer Galligan. We have the young girl and her sister and we are going to check them for any wounds. The older girl keeps mumbling 'thank you' so I wanted to tell you," the officer said.

"Thank you Galligan. Is there any way that I can meet the girl?" I asked, hoping that he'd say yes.

"We'll be bringing her back to the station in about an hour, so if you really want to meet her we'll be there soon," he answered.

"Okay, I'll be here," I told him truthfully.

~a little over an hour later~

I was pacing around the office and I texted my husband that I wasn't going to be home for a while. I couldn't tell him anything that Chelsea said since it was classified, so he was upset.

I waited around and watched for the police doors to open. I sat on one of the chairs in the waiting lounge and scrolled through my Facebook feed. There was nothing interesting so I laid my head on the back of the chair and rested my eyes. I fell asleep after a few minutes.

"Wake up," I heard a voice say while I was getting shook.

I woke up and sat up while wiping the gunk out of my eyes. I stood up and looked around for Chelsea. There was a dirty blonde, hazel-eyed, somewhat tall young girl walking side-by-side with an officer. I walked over an tapped her on the shoulder. She jumped back and turned to face me with tears streaming down her face.

"Hi, Chelsea. I'm the operator that helped you on the phone," I greeted her with my hand out.

"H-Hi," she said sheepishly while shaking my hand softly.

"I'm so sorry, sweetie," I sympathized tearfully.

"It's not your fault," she said very quietly.

I wanted to hug her but I didn't want to scare her since she was already traumatized. I rubbed her back and walked up to the officer who was with her.

"Did you get a hold of any of her relatives yet?" I asked the officer.

"None of them want her but we still have a few people that we need to call," he answered with disappointment.

How could her family turn their backs on her!? What if she was seriously injured? What if she was dying? They should care if they're her family members! There's still a few people left. Maybe they'll want her. I hope that they'll want her!

I looked around for Chelsea and she was sat on a chair crying. I walked over to her and sat down in a chair next to her. I wanted to cry because of how bad I felt but I didn't want her hope to die down. I decided to give her words of wisdom that would hopefully help.

"God has a plan for you, sweetheart, but you have to wait for him to help others first. All you have to do is give it a bit of time," I told her with a smile.

"I don't want to be in group home. I want my family back the way it was," Chelsea cried.

"Someone will come for you," I said, trying to ease her nerves.

"Chelsea! We found a guardian for you!" an officer shouted out happily.

Thank the Lord! Someone is going to care for her and help her! I hope they'll take good care of her! She deserves it more than anyone!

A/N: I hope you guys will like this story! Chelsea's POV will be next chapter.

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