Chapter 15

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Chelsea's POV:

I loved cooking. It's just like art that you can make on a griddle, or a pan; anything like that really. And on top if that, it was the one thing that my dad and I bonded over. He was the one who taught me and if I remember correctly, I've been cooking since I was five. It was one of my passions; piano being another.

Joey, Jakob, Adie, Billie, Mike, Tre, and I continued to eat our breakfast. While consuming, I found out about everyones' personalities. Jakob and Joey were quite funny, while Adie and Billie were more calm but still funny at times. Tre was another story. He was absolutely hilarious and immature. It took a lot to make me laugh lately, but somehow I laughed at one of his jokes. Mike was rather calm the entire time with a few comments that made me smile. All in all, they were pretty great. They treated me like I've been in the family since the beginning.
Everyone finished their meal and I began to gather their plates so I could clean them. However, Adie beat me to the sink and took the dishes out of my hands. I was taught to never disagree with someone who was older than me so I stayed quiet, allowing Adie to wash the dishes. I felt horrible for doing it but she wouldn't let me help her in any way.

"Chelsea? Can I talk to you for a minute?" Billie asked me.

I nodded and nervously walked alongside Billie. He guided me to the backyard outing and we sat down on some chairs. There was a gargantuan pool in the backyard along with a barbecuing area. It was surrounded by greenery, caging it off from the other houses and streets.

"So, um, I was thinking that maybe, and this is just a thought, you could maybe see a therapist. And it's not like you're troubled but it might help you. We-everyone is already seeing progress in you and it's just a start. You deserve to be happy, everyone does, and I think a therapist could help, y'know?" he suggested.

I sat and took everything he said into account. I didn't like to think that I needed a therapist but maybe it could help me. Although, I really didn't want help. I didn't think that I needed help. Sure, I wasn't normal. If anything, I was truly screwed up, but I didn't want a therapist. I wanted to feel normal. No problems, just a normal teenager with a somewhat normal family. That's all I wanted.

"I know...I know that you don't want to be thought of as crazy or weird; anything like that. Just, please think about it, okay?" Billie insisted.

I nodded my head and thought about speaking again. I opened my mouth a couple of times, but I couldn't get the words out. I closed my mouth and looked at Billie, who was watching me struggle. I shook my head and watched the wind make ripples in the swimming pool.

"You can take as long as you'd like to talk again," Billie said, honesty in his eyes.

I nodded my head and got up to go back inside. Billie followed me, sighing quietly when we got inside. Mike and Tre sat on the living room couch, watching TV. I thought about sitting with them, but I wasn't really sure if I trusted them.

"Hey, Chelsea, wanna watch the game with us?" Tre asked me.

"Don't disagree with anyone who's older than you! Do you understand, Chelsea?!"

I hesitantly nodded, warily making my way to the couch. I sat down next to Mike, and Billie sat on the other side of me. I watched and somewhat understood what was going on. Some of the players looked pissed when the lost a point while others shrugged it off. A commercial came on and music played in the background. It was an ad for a Honda Odyssey. There was piano in the song as well as some other instruments I didn't know that well. Tre looked over at Billie, moving his head forward since Mike blocked his view.

"What songs have you showed Chelsea so far?" Tre asked Billie.

"I haven't had the chance to-" Billie began.

"Let's go show her some! We can just record the game and watch it later!" Tre exclaimed, obviously amazed that Billie hadn't showed me any songs.

"Okay, I guess we could?" Billie looked at me for approval.

I shrugged and slightly nodded my head. Tre already began to race towards the basement while Mike, Billie, and I walked at a normal pace. I was equally excited and nervous to listen to the music; I wanted to hear an alien sound to my ears, but was nervous I'd be disappointed.
I sat down on the couch as Mike, Tre, and Billie grabbed instruments to play. Out of the three, Tre was definitely the most excited; he started tapping his drum sticks on the walls, on the guitars, and anywhere that was made of a hard surface until he found his drums. When he sat down on his drumming stool, I was startled at the sound of the loud banging noise. Billie and Mike saw me jump back into the couch and shot glares at Tre. He stopped drumming and sat still, waiting for the signal to drum again.

"I think we should start with 'Wake Me Up When September Ends'," Mike suggested. "After all, she already knows the song on piano."

"That's a good idea," Billie agreed.

When they began to play the song, I felt something amazing. It was the first time I've ever heard it; lyrics and all. I was mesmerized by the guitar and bass  strums and I really enjoyed the drums. They made such a loud, powerful beat that the guitars followed. Billie smiled at me and we both began to cry happy tears. I've never loved the sound of something more in my entire life. The rhythm of the song made me feel something so astonishing that my heart skipped a beat. I was in love with this new sound.

A/N: heyyy beautiful people!!! Im so so so sorry for the loooooong overdue update!!! Im going through some depression at the moment so i havent been in the mood for writing. I hope u guys all forgive me!!!! Ilyasm!!!! XOXO

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