Chapter 5

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Chelsea's POV:

"Do you like living at Grandma's?" I asked Sophie, who was sitting opposite of me.

"I would like it better if you were there so that I didn't have to play bingo all of the time," she pouted.

I laughed slightly and looked down at the ground. When I looked back up, Sophie was in tears and looked very distraught. I had no idea what to do.

"You don't love me, do you?" Sophie cried.

"Of course I love you! Why wouldn't I?" I asked confusedly.

"You don't love me! You let mom kill dad! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" she screamed at the top of her lungs.


I woke up from my horrible dream heavily breathing and sweating. I sat up and looked out the window in my room to find out it was dawn. It was dark in my room and I couldn't see anything, so I grabbed the remote on the nightstand and turned on the TV. The room instantly lit up. When I took the blankets off of my warm body, I quickly found out that the room was absolutely freezing. The room was even colder when I sat upright and put my feet on the ground. I shivered and looked at the clock to find out that it was seven-thirty in the morning.

Why did that stupid dream have to wake me up so early?! At least I woke up before everyone else and I don't have to have any conversations. Billie and Adrienne seem nice but I don't trust them. I learned the hard way that anyone can be a killer and untrustworthy.

I looked around my room and something didn't feel right. It could've been that I was in an unfamiliar place but it didn't feel like homesickness. The feeling was a sickening black hole in my stomach. One that I couldn't get rid of. The black hole made me think the worst possible things I could imagine. It made me think of myself as useless, it made me think of death, it made me realize that everything that went wrong was my fault.

Mom would've been happy if I weren't here. She would have loved Dad so much more and she wouldn't have had to share her love with me. All of her love would've been devoted to my dad but she had to share her love with me. If all of her love was focused on my dad, she would never have killed him. Mom and Dad would've been happily married and they would be the greatest, most powerful couple ever. Then I came along and ruined everything. She would've never killed Dad if it weren't for me. She killed Dad because of me. This was my fault. I should be dead, not Dad.

I laid back down in my bed and pulled the covers over me again. I curled up in a compact ball and cried myself back to sleep quietly. I was slowly being eaten alive by my own sadness and the discomfort of depression.

Billie's POV:

After a restless night of tossing and turning, I slowly got out of bed and place a soft kiss on Adrienne's temple. She was exhausted from me waking her up with all of my movement throughout the night, and I felt guilty but decided to go on with my morning.

I grabbed some black skinny jeans and a plain black t-shirt out of my dresser opposite of the bed and got ready for the day. My hair was a mess and I tried to make it look somewhat decent by using a straightener on it. It didn't look too bad, so I decided it was good enough for me to go about my day. I didn't put on any eyeliner because of how tired I was and because of the fact that I wasn't trying to impress anyone. I looked very punk-rock and felt accomplished with my work.

I looked at the clock in the room and found out that it was nine in the morning, which was an unusual time for me to be up at. Mike and Tre were going to be here at noon, so I had a few hours to spare doing absolutely nothing. I thought about how I could spend my morning and made the brave decision to see if Chelsea was awake.

I walked out of the bedroom and made my way to Chelsea's door. I softly knocked and nervously waited to see if she would open her door. After a moment, I heard the click of the doorknob and the door slowly opened. Chelsea had tears stained on her cheeks and her eyes were bloodshot.

"Are you okay?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

She shook her head and wiped her hazel eyes. She turned away from me and walked back to her bed in her room. I followed her and she lied back down on her bed while pulling the covers over herself. I sat at the foot of her bed and had no clue what to say, but I still tried to make conversation.

"When my dad died, I never left my room for a whole month. So if you need to be left alone, that's okay. No one's stopping you," I told her honestly.

Chelsea was quiet for a second, and then she tried to speak but only let out a soft sigh. She curled up into a small ball and was holding in all of her tears. At that moment I knew what she was dealing with was a lot stronger than whatever I had to say. She was going through guilt and depression all mixed together as one. I couldn't help but feel horrible to know that someone so young, was going through something that she couldn't control.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but can you please leave? I don't mean to be rude, but I just wanna be left alone for a little bit," Chelsea explained with her tired voice.

"You've got it," I agreed while standing up to leave.

I walked outside of her room, closing the door behind me, and I walked downstairs for some coffee. I went into the kitchen and turned on the coffee pot while checking my phone. There was a missed call from my mom, who was probably going to ask me a bunch of questions about Chelsea. I had a bunch of texts from Mike and Tre and they seemed pretty excited about Chelsea being here.

Mike: what type of music does she like?

Tre: does she like drums? If she doesn't, I don't think we'll get along.

Mike: if she likes shitty music, kick her out now.

Tre: does she know how to follow a beat?

It's going to break their hearts knowing that she hasn't heard of a lot of music. It shattered my heart into billions upon billions of pieces when I heard the reality of Chelsea's unexplored music world. Now Mike and Tre had to have their hearts ripped from their chests but I'm pretty sure they'll know what to do. Or at least I hope they do...

A/N: I don't know if this story is good or not but thank you for reading it anyways!!! XOXO

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