Chapter 13

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Christine was sick with worry over Rose and yet had to maintain the look of blissful happiness in order for everyone to believe the story.

She hoped that she was okay and that she was safe. Rose didn't deserve any of this and yet, like the hypocrites they were, they forced her to do what they, themselves, had tried to refuse to do.

Isaac knew what it was to be married to someone you didn't love but there had been no other choice. Prince Daniel and Rose's grandparents had refused to have any other options and cornered them into agreeing.

It wasn't an excuse, but a part of her was proud of Rosalia for standing up for herself and being brave enough to do something that they hadn't been brave enough to do themselves.. That did not, however, lessen her guilt or worry, though.

Prince Daniel was seething, Nathan was worried, Maddie was devastated, Isaac was distraught, and Ceanna was...

She had seen the way Ceanna had looked at Prince Daniel and how she would send Rose and Daniel looks of jealousy whenever they were "together". She also didn't miss the look of shocked joy on her face the minute she found out that Rose ran away and wouldn't marry Daniel. She had had the same look when Isaac had refused to marry Cassandra all those years ago. A part of her was appalled that after everything Rose had done for her, she would be that happy she was gone because it meant she had a chance at Prince Daniel.

And the other part of of her sympathized with her. She had been in her place not that long ago and she had done the same thing. It was a wonder Rose didn't resent her anymore for taking her mother's place. Rose was a good person and had even recommended that Ceanna marry him, but of course things were not that simple.

He refused to negotiate and he was going to have her as his wife one way or another. And that part frightened her. He had changed. He was such a kind and cheerful young man and now he was adamant to marry her even when she clearly stated not wanting to have anything to do with him. It was like Nathan had said. He knew she didn't want this and yet he was forcing her to do it. At least both Cassandra and Isaac had both been in agreement against the wedding but had no choice.

Here they had some choice. If it weren't for her grandparents and him Rose would be free. No one had expected a wedding and there was no reason to have one anyways. Why did he want Rose so bad? What did he want, and why was he willing to do anything to make sure it happened?

This was something Christine was hoping to find out hopefully before they found Rosalia.


I woke up to get ready for the day and saw that it was a bit chilly. I hesitantly got out of bed trying to ignore the cold and got some clothes out. I chose a loose flowy yet warm tan knit sweater top, dark blue jeans, long socks, knee high brown boots, a light infinity scarf I bought yesterday, and a warm peach blazer I'd packed for job interviews.

I took the rest of my things out and headed to the bathroom and took a quick shower before heading downstairs and making breakfast. Today I decided to make french toast, and made that pretty quickly. I got the syrup, fruit, and so on out by the time Andrew showed up.

He smiled at me and said," You do know you can sleep in a bit during the mornings, I don't mind making breakfast..."

I shook my head," I don't either, besides, I feel guilty."

"For what?" he asked confused.

I gave him a look," You took me in, let me stay with you, got me a job, introduced me to the people here, and you're doing it for nothing. I have to do something!"

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