Chapter 20

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Ceanna was in the middle of doing my hair when Princess Arabella walked through the doors and exclaimed is suprise at the sight of me and rushed over and placed a hand to my cheek," Rosalia? Is that really you?"

I nodded quietly and she gave me a huge hug," Oh, Sweetie! Everyone was so worried about you! When did you get here?"

I frowned and thankfully Ceanna stepped in," Daniel and I ran into her on our trip to AmberfieldTech Inc."

Arabella beamed happily and patted my arm and said," Well, I'm so glad you're back, dear, and thankfully everything is behind us now, right?"

I so badly wanted to tell her everything Daniel had done, but figured there was no point and simply nodded emotionlessly. This, in turn, only caused her to frown confused and ask Ceanna," Is something wrong with Rosalia?"

Ceanna shook her head and said," I think she's just tired, she'll be back to normal soon, I think."

Ha, I thought, not likely! It seemed like Ceanna had said the right thing because Arabella beamed and walked over to Ceanna's closet and brought out a blush colored ball gown and said," This will be perfect for her. Don't you think, Ceanna?"

Ceanna looked doubtful but asked," Why?"

Arabella smiled sympathetically and her enthusiastic chipper voice exclaimed," Well, the poor dear was forced to leave all her finery and luxuries and comfort behind for so long, I think it would cheer her up to see a little of the princess she is once more, right?"

Ceanna still didn't look convinced but I just shrugged and she conceded and helped Arabella help me into the gown which was a soft peach color and she got into a gown of her own except her's was a sky blue color, and Arabella was already in a lilac gown herself.

We looked into the full length mirrors and if I'd had the strength to pull myself from my numbness I would have gasped in horror. I looked every part of the pretty perfect princess I'd so desperately run away from, but if you looked closely my face looked haunted and my gaze looked broken. I seemed almost like an empty person, and yet the face in the mirror simply stared back in mild blankness.

I turned away and sat down by the window seat, and Ceanna sighed sadly. Arabella rushed over and pouted," Why don't we take a stroll around the gardens, Sweetie, I understand you've never seen them, right?"

I shook my head and continued to look outside. She frowned sadly and I felt bad but really did not want to do anything at the moment especially not here. She nodded and went over to Ceanna and said a few words before leaving, but not before throwing me one last sympathetic look.

Ceanna walked over and sat in front of me and for a moment I hoped she wouldn't want to talk, I was disappointed when she asked the very last question I wanted to answer at the moment," What happened last night?"

I remained looking out the window and she glared at me and said," You can't avoid this forever, Rose, and the sooner you tell me, the sooner I can help."

I gave her a look when suddenly the door burst open and in came someone I'd thought I'd never see again and for the first time since yesterday I spoke in tearful shock," Nathan?!"

His gaze softened when he saw me and I rushed towards him and he caught me and gave me a huge hug and I hid my tears in his chest.

He pulled back, but not away, and I noticed he seemed to be fighting tears of his own. He whispered in his deep accented voice which I'd never taken the time to appreciate, due to all the different accents melding together after so long" We've been so worried, Rose..."

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