Chapter 16

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(Picture of Amy!)
Happy New Year's Eve!!! Hope you have enjoyed the holidays so far, and are looking forward to a (hopefully) wonderful new year! Here's a new chapter which I hope you guys enjoyed, a lot of stuff happens*hint hint* so enjoy!!! Don't forget to vote, comment, and share!

The next week was spent with me trying to recover. Andrew insisted on staying to take care of me, but after 4 days I told him he had to go to work. He refused to have me stay home by myself but we compromised and I asked Cynthia to stay with me while he was at work.

A bunch of people also came to visit me. The little girl and her family were really sweet. The little girl was actually named Angelica and she was adorable. She ran right up to me and gave me a big hug.

She immediately handed me a card she made all by herself and thanked me over and over again for saving her. Her family and the rest of the town were equally as sweet. They brought me flowers, cards, balloons and so on and came to thank me for not only saving Angelica, but the town as well.

While I appreciated everything, I did suffer a bit. After someone would leave I would feel a bit drained. It would happen over and over again until by the end of the visits I felt awful.

To make matters worse I couldn't get up without getting dizzy or getting nauseous. I had little to no appetite, and the medicine was terrible. Then there was the incredible fatigue I felt during those first few days.

Andrew insisted on worrying, but I finally convinced Andrew to let me go outside after a few days had gone by and I went outside to greet the dragon who had saved me.

She crooned happily when she saw me and I laughed," Hey, girl, you saved me back there."

She squawked and she nudged my stomach and I giggled," Fine...we saved each other."

She made a noise in agreement and I noticed that there were 3 other smaller dragons behind her and I gasped," Are these really the little ones you had a month ago?"

They nudged me happily and I pet them and scratched them which they appreciated," You guys got so big."

Andrew nodded in agreement and pet the mother dragon affectionately," You did good."

She nudged him happily and I smiled at her and looked at her gratefully," Yes, thank you, girl, I don't know what I would have done back there. I also never got to thank you for bringing me here in the first place so, again, thank you."

I gave her a kiss on the head and she crooned happily and tried to nudge me onto her back but I shook my head," Sorry, girl, I don't think I could handle it right now, and after last time I don't think flying will ever be the best idea for me..."

She looked down sadly but seemed to understand and nudged me one last time before she and her little ones all flew up into the night sky.

I smiled at Andrew who was looking at me as though I was going to collapse any moment now and said teasingly," Okay, now we can go inside."

He gave me a look but smiled back and said," Thank you."

I rolled my eyes and followed him inside. He made me a light dinner and I ate as much as my appetite would allow and then I let him help me upstairs to go lay back down.

Cookie was waiting for me and she immediately barked excitedly and crawled into my lap.

Andrew sat on the edge of my bed but I laughed and motioned for him to sit next to me on the bed. He hesitated but did so and he pulled me towards him.

I sighed contentedly," Much better."

He laughed and nodded in agreement," Yes it is."

We just stayed like that for a while in comfortable silence when suddenly he said," Hey, Rose?"

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