Chapter Fourteen: It's Nice To See You

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Madiline got up and scarred the policeman in the head. She kicked him as she got up and went to go check on Sapphire being the last one left to fight. Ever sense she saw Sapphire come out of that bush, she hadn't been doing well. She was moving in her sleep, she whimpered things like, He's back.
I'll have to kill them too. She was scared of something but John and Andrew aren't telling us. Desmond and I at least. Sapphire had coughed up blood, and was bleeding badly ever sense Andrew pulled out the bullets in her legs and ankles. We had to keep her ankles straight because they were sprained. Get water out of her lungs. Then let the rest heal. She had to be fed when she was passed out . Madiline remembered she had to go back to camp to check on Sapphire while the boys where doing an expedition without Desmond. Desmond had to go hunt so she was called back to watch Sapphire. She sighed knowing it had been weeks sense she had met Diana again. Madiline sighed and hoped the police would just leave them alone. She slid into camp as she saw Desmond nod then run off. Sapphire woke up and looked at Madiline. Madiline raced over then slid on her knees .

" Do you need anything?" Madiline asked.

" Leave me alone!" She muttered.

" Please, I am sorry! I never wanted this to happen!" She pleaded sadly holding Sapphire's good hand. She looked into her eyes. She saw sadness, guilt, pain, all covered up by fear . Something was bothering Sapphire and she needed to know.

" I..I don't quit on my friends." She growled looking at a bush. Madiline knew why she looked at it. It told the stories of her past .

" But we aren't friends." Madiline sighed. Sapphire looked mad. " We are family." She sighed," I just want you to know we all love you. We each took turns carrying you. We all helped to treat you. " Madiline smiled.

Sapphire didn't smile but she shook her head as she mumbled," You wouldn't understand my pain."

Madiline growled," I gave up my family for you! I think I would know pain."

Sapphire turned to her looking in her ice cold blue eyes. She snapped," Then you made the wrong choice!" Madiline stood up offended by what she said to her she saw Andrew and John standing there . John looked down and Andrew sighed.

" I think we all need a break from each other. In two days, I want everyone to meet at the lake where we found Sapphire. Ok?" He sighed," I'll be with Sapphire."

Madiline opened her mouth to argue but closed it knowing this is what she needed.

" I'll go with you guys." He spoke to Andrew. Andrews eyes widened and flickered with something but quickly hid it.

" No, you will go with Madiline and Desmond." Andrew replied calmly.

John nodded and sighed and walked next to Madiline.

"You shouldn't separate us like this. I thought we were all together." Sapphire asked.

"And you separated us! " Andrew growled at Sapphire. Sapphire growled and looked up closing her eyes as what it looked like, trying to stay calm. Sapphire then looked at Madiline growling and glaring at her challengingly.

Madiline growled," Don't do that! I'll rip you to shreds!" She growled. Sapphire stood up and punched her in the head making her step back into Johns arms. Sapphire fell over from her bad ankles, grabbing a tree branch as Andrew reached for her but didn't catch her as she caught herself.

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