When I See Red

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When I see red

Scott always had this internal radar for his pack. When one of them was distressed or in danger, he would be able to tell and get to them as soon as possible. He always made sure everyone was okay, but Lydia had gotten knocked off his radar after Allison's death. She seemed distant, and Scott didn't exactly notice it. That was until she screamed.

It was a normal night for Lydia, she took an antidepressant with a shot of whatever she could find in the alcohol cabinet before trying to go to bed, and then saw the picture of her and Ally on her dresser across the room. Lydia was used to crying her self to sleep, she had been doing it for months after Allison's death. But tonight was different.

It started as a single tear escaping her eye, followed by one after another, until heaving sobs escaped her, like her body was trying to release all the pain she was holding, but after every sob more memories of her and her best friend took its place. She had been pushing all of those memories to the side for the longest time, but on this night they all came crashing on to her like a tsunami.

A normal 17 year old girl shouldn't have to go through this much pain and grieving. No one should have to feel the one person they hold dearest life's escape their body, blowing away to the wind, never to be seen again. But Lydia wasn't a normal 17 year old girl, she was a banshee, cursed to all of the supernatural beings and threats. It wasn't something she could hide from, it would always be there. She would always be the one to find the bodies, never save them. Allison was the same.

It was all to much for Lydia, everything piled on top of one anyone until she couldn't take it.

She screamed.


It woke Scott from his sleep, gripping his ears in pain. After his brain had registered what he had just heard, the alpha kept from his bed, not bothering to call the rest of the pack or even put on shoes. He hopped on the dirt bike and rode all the way to Lydia's house, where he heard the scream come from.

Scott stopped outside her house, hearing and tuning in for any ominous threats. He only heard her heartbeat and her sobbing. That was enough for him. He jumped off the bike, running to the door and breaking it open.

"Lydia!" He called into the dark house, but he didn't get any reply. He hadn't been to Lydia's house other than a party, so he just followed her heart beat. Scott ran up the stairs and down the hall way before stopping in front of a door, hearing her crying behind it.

"Lydia, what's going on? Are you ok?" He asked, barging into her room. He found the girl on a plush bed, head in her hands with tear stained cheeks. She was shaking, and he could feel the hurt and pain seething from her.

She glanced up, wiping away the tears quickly.

"I'm fine." She tried to compose herself, but one tear spilled over the edge. Her lips rolled in and she squeezed her eyes shut, but the tears kept streaming down her face, no matter how hard she tried to stop it.

Scott came and sat on the bed next to her. It didn't take a genius to tell why she was crying, and Scott understood better than everyone else. After Allison died, he cried just as hard, but just didn't let anyone see it. He was an alpha, if it looked like he has lost hope, they all would.

"You can talk to me, okay? I know how you feel." Her head perked up at his voice, and she turned to look at him. He looked genuine, like he really did understand what she was going through. That was a relief to Lydia, she had closed her self off from anyone because they didn't get her. Malia was still on her 'in the wild, we don't wait for anyone' policy and Kira didn't know Allison well enough.

"I-I just , I miss her. I miss everything about her. She was the only person who saw the real me, she made me realize that there was more to life then high heels and makeup."

"I feel the same. After I met Ally, I felt like my whole world was turned around. We both loved her. Maybe not in the same way, but we both loved her. I doubt I'll ever stop, really." Scott softened, and tears pricked his eyes, relief coming over him. It's the first time he finally opened up to somebody since she passed.

"Me neither. It's weird, you know, they say when your grieving your like a ticking time bomb. I don't feel that way though. I feel like a gun, constantly in anxiety if something's gonna pull my trigger. I feel like anything, these days, could be a trigger. Like, when I see red, it reminds me of this day we were at the mall. I was trying to persuade her to buy this dark red lipstick. She kept say no, but in the end, I bought it for her. She looked beautiful." Lydia smiled sadly at the memory, looking at the picture of her and Allison again. They were at the beach, laughing away because Lydia found a starfish and stuck it to her face. The picture wasn't planned or pristine, just lively, just like Allison was.

Scott and Lydia sat there in her room for the better part of the night, and kept exchanging different memories they had of their beloved friend. Some were silly, bringing them to tears of laughter. Others were heartwarming and brought the two to tears of joy or just sadness. By the end, Lydia and Scott felt closer than ever. She had a head on his shoulder, and he had an arm around their shoulders. They intertwined one hand I between them. It wasn't romantic, or awkward, just two friends bonding over something they both lost.

"Lydia, you should never be afraid to tell me things like this. The pack isn't just a pack of supernaturals, were a family." Scott consoled.

"I know, I just feel like you are the only one who really understands. Issac left for France, and anyone else who really knew Allison is dead. And your always so busy with alpha business, I don't want to stress you out anymore. And stiles, I don't know, I just never really talk to him anymore."


"I'm not really sure. I just, I feel like he doesn't want to talk to me. He's either with Malia or isolated at his house. I want to talk to him, but I'm scared. I'm not fearless, especially when it comes to him."

"You love him." Scott stated it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"What? N-no, I don't."

"Lydia, stop. It doesn't take a genius to tell. Your heart skips a beat when you see him, and whenever you see him with Malia I can feel it. I can feel-not jealousy- regret. That you didn't tell him how much you care about him earlier." He looked her right in the eye, and her rising heartbeat told him that he was right.

"Allison was the only other person to figure it out." Lydia chuckled to herself.

"Thank you, Scott. For being here. For being my best friend."

"You're welcome, Lyds."


After that night, everyone saw how much happier Lydia and Scott were. They spent a lot of time together, and Lydia was like a constant third wheel to him and Kira. Sometimes, on pack nights, Lydia and Scott just sat on the couch together. It didn't bother Kira at all, she understood how the two had grown closer.

Lydia grew close to Stiles again, and Scott always listened in to hear her heartbeat when she saw him.

"And Lydia would never run and hide... Because of Scott." 

Shdbsbdjj this was very scydia. Tbh Scott and lydias friendship in the show means so freaking much to me. It really does. It makes me cry.
1. Remember, follow me on Instagram! @pure.stydia.trash
2. I have another idea for a stydia fanfiction I mighttt write it😁
Anyway, have an amazing day bb.
- Lucy 🌴

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