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"I swear he's here!" Lydia yelled, searching around the dark and dusty basement of Eichen house. She had heard the spirits telling her that stiles was here, and wasn't going to give up until she found him.

"Lydia, he's no where to be found. I'm sorry." The sheriff tried to comfort her, putting a hand on her shoulder. Lydia just let out a shaky breath and closed her eyes. She can't loose him, not after all they'd been through.

Lydia felt the hand leave her shoulder, followed by a clicking noise behind her. She whipped her head around, to find that no one was there. The darkness was surrounding her, and she was alone. Her hands started to shake as she reached for her cellphone, but a grunting noise to her right caught her attention.

"He-hello?" Lydia stuttered, walking very slowly towards the noise. Nothing replied, so she came closer, and her eyes adjusted to the darkness. What looked like a number five was carved into the wall. Lydia felt her foot brush something. She wearily peeked down at her feet and gasped.

"Oh my god, Stiles!" She bent down, grabbing his cold face in her hands. His eyes were moving back and forth rapidly-he was in rem sleep, the deepest stage with the most nightmares. "Stiles, please, wakeup. Wake up Stiles!" She yelled, grabbing his face harder. Her voice bounced off the walls and his eyes shot open. They looked different, though. They were dark as night and had deep purple pockets surrounding them.

The second she blinked, Lydia was pinned to the wall, his strong forearm over her through. "Stiles," She managed to croak out. "What are you doing?"

Stiles' eyes darkened even more and he tilted his head and brought his other hand to stroke her cheek. She shivered under the ghostly touch. "Poor Lydia, always running to stiles side. Always the one to find the bodies, never save them." He whispered.

"What are you talking about? This isn't you, stiles."

"I always knew you were smart. Surprise- I'm not Stiles." The thing in front of Lydia smiled. "I'm someone who wants revenge. I'm simply using skinny, defenseless Stiles' body to get it."

"You're possessing him." She groaned, and narrowed her eyes.

"And you can't help him. His body is rotting under my power, decaying to death. It won't be too long before Stiles doesn't exist." Lydia's breath hitches in her through, causing a huge lump. She mustered the strength to take a breath, and close her eyes.

"Take me." She whispered, looking the demon right in his dark iris'.

"What?" He laughed. "You aren't strong enough."

"Of course I am." She narrowed her eyes. "Stiles isn't dying because of your power," he tightened his hold on her throat, "he's rotting because he's died before. He isn't strong enough. I've never died, therefore, I have more strength." Lydia did not back down, even though all she really wanted to do was hide in a corner and wish the demons away.

"You're mind isn't even open. I can't take you."

"I'm a banshee. Of course it's open, if it wasn't, I wouldn't be able to hear all those voices." She convinced. Stiles narrowed his eyes and leaned closer to her, and took a look over all of her features. He came closer until his soft lips grazed her ear, causing a shiver down her spine.

"You've got your self a deal." He whispered. Lydia felt a surge of pain and power lace through her temples. She let out a scream, before the darkness clouded her vision and consciousness was lost.


"Wait- what happened?" Stiles asked, leaning forward and gripping his knees tightly.

"We were in the basement, Lydia said the voices told her you were there. You weren't there, so we tried to head out and Lydia just passed out on the ground. She was out for about ten minutes before she screamed herself awake, and then she was gone." Scott sat across from him in the McCall's living room with his head in his hands.

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