Mini Stories

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A blonde, a redhead, and brunette are all walking around, lost in a desert. Suddenly, a genie appeared and promises them one wish each. The redhead wishes to go home back to her family, where she can enjoy the warmth of family again. The brunette wishes to leave the desert, and join the redhead and her family. The blonde, saddened by the sudden emptiness says, "Aww, I wish my friends were here."

A man and his wife were setting up a password for their computer. Thinking it was funny, the man typed in, 'MyPenis' as the password. His wife burst out laughing when the computer responded with, 'Error. Too small'.

At the top of a very large building stood four men; an Asian, a Mexican, a black, and a white man. The Asian walks towards the ledge and says, "This is for my people," before jumping off.
Next, the Mexican steps up to the ledge, before declaring, "This is for my people," and jumping off. Last is the black man's turn. Carefully, he steps up to the ledge and states, "This is for my people," and then throws the white guy off the roof.

I got divorced last week. Why? Well, it was my birthday, and unfortunately my wife didn't even mention it. I went up to my kids and attempted to lead them onto the conclusion, but they just densely replied with 'kid' comments. Saddened, I arrived at work, only to receive no birthday congratulations at all. Suddenly, during my lunch break, my boss approaches me and wishes me a happy birthday. Then, she invited me out for lunch at her apartment, which I happily accepted. To there I was, sitting on the couch at my boss' house, when she told me she had to do something. Minutes later, she re-entered, a cake in hand, and my whole family and colleagues following suit, yelling, 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!' And I just sat there on the couch....naked.

A man kills a deer and takes it home to make for dinner. Both he and his wife decided that they would not tell their kids what type of meat it is. Instead, the man gave them a hint to guess, "It's something that Mommy calls me sometimes." The little girl immediately screamed, "DON'T EAT IT, IT'S AN ASSHOLE!"

A small, black boy is baking with his mother when he spills flour over his head. "Look mama, I'm a white boy!" he cried. His mother looked at him in disgust before responding, "Go tell your father what you just said." Doing as he is told, the boy goes into the next room and walks up to his dad. "Look daddy, I'm a white boy!" Angry, his father smacks him across the face and yells, "Now what do you say for yourself?!" The boy answered, "I've only been a white boy for two minutes and I already hate you black people."

I own nothing~!

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