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Chapter 1
Percy's /POV/

My mom walked slowly up the aisle. Her wedding dress was beautiful, and the colour of the sky. I'd helped her choose it, of course. Paul stood waiting at the end of the aisle, wearing a tux and a midnight blue tie. Annabeth sat next to me. When she saw the blue dress she rolled her eyes and whispered, "Really, Seaweed Brain? I'm guessing you had something to do with that?" I just grinned.
We turned our attention back to the wedding. The guy was droning on about a whole bunch of legalism stuff and my gaze started to wander to the guests. to the guests. They hadn't invited a ton of people, just a couple of Paul's friends and one or two of my mom's friends she'd met through her work. After she'd published her first book, they finally had enough money to arrange the wedding. Suddenly the crowd started cheering and I snapped my attention back to the stage. Paul had just kissed my mom and now they were standing there grinning. I quickly leapt to my feet and started cheering too. My mom looked my way and I beamed and gave her a thumbs up. She beamed back. Annabeth squeezed my hand, and for a moment I forgot about all the dangerous things I was mixed up in. That is, until the IM.

My mom was just cutting the cake when I noticed Annabeth had disappeared. I looked around a bit, but then my mom have me a slice of cake and I looked back to her. The frosting was white (not blue, sadly) and the cake was chocolate. I was about to take a bite when Annabeth rushed over. She was holding up the edges of her grey dress so she could run and she'd kicked off her heels. Her eyes were deadly serious.
"Percy. We have to go now," she said, grabbing my arm and pulling me along. My mom noticed and called, "Where are you going?", but Annabeth was pulling me along so fast I could only call back, "Sorry!" Then I started running too. I was glad I'd worn running shoes instead of dress shoes (mostly because I didn't have any) and one of my friends from camp had leant me the tux, which I proceeded to accidentally rip on a branch. Oops. Annabeth stopped at the edge of the road and flagged down a taxi."Annabeth-" I started, but she cut me off. "Not now,Percy," she said. "Driver, please go all the way to the strawberry fields," she instructed him, and suddenly I knew where we were going. Back to camp half-blood.

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