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Annabeth and I walked back to my cabin to IM Mount Olympus. I was lost in my thoughts, for once. The lines about the earth shakers sun. Obviously that meant me. And a secret? What was that all about? Annabeth grabbed my hand. I think she could tell what I was thinking. I pushed the door of my cabin open. Luckily, Tyson wasn't there right now. I grabbed a drachma off my bedside table and walked over to the new fountain in the corner. "Oh Iris, goddess of rainbows, show us Mount Olympus," I said, tossing the ancient coin through the mist. It disappeared. Athena popped up on the screen. "Mom!" called Annabeth. Athena turned around, smiling, but the smile turned to a grimace when she saw me. "Annabeth! Nice to see you. And, um, Poseidon's son. You look.. well," said Athena. I got the impression she wanted to say something a little more offensive. "Yeah, hey," Annabeth said, mouthing the words 'I'm sorry' at me. "We have some bad news," she continued. She then proceeded to explain the whole story to Athena, whose expression grew more and more troubled as she went. By the end, Athena looked like she was attending a funeral instead of talking to her favourite daughter and her boyfriend (actually, she hated me, so part of it made sense). "Anyway, have you heard about a prodigy of some kind?" I chimed in. Athena turned her attention to me. "I might have an idea," she said, frowning. "But I'm not sure. Give me a moment," Athena said, sweeping her hand through the image without saying good-bye. "That went well," I said, sitting back on my hands. Annabeth sighed.

This chapter is dedicated to 1grammy4, who I also know in real life 😜

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