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I looked over at Calypso. She was acting kind of weird. She looked sort of like she was going to puke. I scooted my chair back. Annabeth was still talking to Chiron. I looked around the room to see what the rest of the seven was doing. Percy and Jason were engaged in a whispered argument. Hazel and Frank were playing Chopsticks. Calypso looked lost in her thoughts, and Leo just looked bored. He was about to walk over to Calypso and Leo when Chiron spoke. "As you already know, you are going to be on your way to Pennsylvania. We've decided, in the interest of time, Argus will book you a flight over," he began. Percy turned white as a sheet. "Uh, Chiron-" Percy started. Chiron held up a hand. "Yes, don't worry, Zeus is plenty calm at the moment. He won't blast you from the sky," he said. Percy relaxed. "Anyways, the closest flight is tomorrow morning, so I advise you return to your cabins to pack," he said, standing up. The others rose too.  "Frank, Hazel, since you're already packed from your trip here, you can just relax before your long journey," Chiron said finally, and we all filed out the door of the big house. Hazel and I began to walk towards the beach. Hazel broke the silence. "So. Another quest, huh?"she said. I nodded. We walked along the sand. "What do you think is going to happen in Pennsylvania?" I asked her. She shrugged. "I don't know. It's all coming so fast," Hazel said, and the rest of our walk was in comfortable silence.
Soon, it was getting darker. "We better get back," I said, and we began to jog back down the beach. We reached the cabins, and I pushed open the door in the Ares cabin, where I stayed when I was here at Camp Half-Blood. I waved Hazel good-bye and stepped inside. Doing my best not to engage with any of the rough kids scattered around, I walked directly to my bunk and lay down. Soon after, Clarisse La Rue, Head Counselor, hollered,"Lights out!" and flicked the switch. I was left alone in the darkness. It took a while for sleep to find me, and just before it did, I glanced out the window at the stars. The shone brightly, prepared, he hoped, to guide them on this new quest.


The next morning, the group of seven plus Calypso gathered in the big house. All carried heavy-looking bags. All of them looked tired, no doubt from a night of restless sleep like his own. Chiron raised his arm.
"Alright, now it's time for Argus to take you to the airport, so on behalf of the camp, we wish you luck," he said, and there was sadness in his voice. Calypso kissed Leo and there was a tremble in her voice as she wished him good luck. Then we turned our backs on camp and headed for this new adventure.

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