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On our way to camp Half-Blood, Annabeth started to explain what was going on. " Right before they brought out the cake, Chiron IM'd me. He seemed rushed, and he didn't explain much, but he did make one thing clear- we needed to get to Camp Half Blood right now," she said. The taxi pulled up in front of Thalia's pine tree. Annabeth managed a quick " Thank you!" before tossing the money at the driver and hurrying up the hill. I followed. Together, we passed the boundary into the camp. Despite myself, I grinned. It was great to be back. There was something odd though, something I couldn't quite put my finger on. By Annabeth's grave expression, I was assuming she'd noticed it too. "Where are all the campers?" she asked. We looked at each other and ran down the hill. We found the campers gathered around the Oracle's cave. Rachel was lying on the ground, not moving. Chiron and Dionysus were kneeling in the ground next to her. We pushed our way to the front. "What's happened?!" asked Annabeth, kneeling down next to her. " She just collapsed, about a minute ago. She was in the middle of explaining a new tactic to help grow the strawberries when she froze up and fell over unconscious," Chiron said, forcing a pill into her mouth. Piper and Jason pushed to the front of the crowd. Shock was written all over their faces. Jason acknowledged me with a nod. Piper didn't even notice us. From behind appeared Leo and Calypso. When they'd returned together on Leo's dragon, everyone had been shocked. Now, nobody even noticed them. Frank, Hazel and Reyna ran up the hill. They froze wen they saw Rachel. Ironically, I noticed this was the first time in months the seven were all together. " Apollo cabin! Try," instructed Chiron, sounding desperate. Will had just made it to the front when Rachel sat up. Her eyes glowed green. "The power of prophecy-" Annabeth trailed off. Rachel opened her mouth and spoke:
The seven of the prophecy
Will seek the newfound prodigy
The earth shaker's son to discover a secret
A secret that hits him where he is weakest
Seven demigods will come home together
Bringing the one found laced in heather.
Then Rachel began to glow. There was a flash of light, and the oracle was gone.

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