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Hey there, it's been a while...

So as you noticed I decided to continue this story, although I still don't feel complete about my decision... Or about this story actually..

I think from this point of the story the skipping starts, so I hope it won't be too confusing when I'll start skipping on time.. Let me know if it is though!

I'm sorry for all the mess and me being an idiot about the story and everything and also sorry it turned to kinda dark or depressing it's just that I was in a really low place when I started it and that's just what came out... But anyway, hope you will like the rest of it, again I'm sorry for all the mess and please comment if you want something specific to happen or if you guys have any ideas or just to motivate me a little cause sometimes I really do need it ;)

Enjoy! And again, sorry..

The Beginning Of The End {Dantana}Where stories live. Discover now