Part 19

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[Part 19]

“Are we all prepared?” I asked, watching as everyone began adjusting their chains, both around their necks and wrists. The locks weren’t shut yet, but the jangle of metal cuffing me was no comfortable feeling.

Dante and Daniel grumbled incomprehensibly while Vergil silently locked his chains in. Marcy and Trish were struggling, so I went over to help them.

“Nervous?” I asked as I helped lock in Marcy’s chains, watching as she tapped her feet at a fast tempo.

“Duh.” She replied in an impatient tone, still tapping away.

“Well, don’t be. You’ve got me and Vergil. Carry yourself with confidence and don’t ever doubt yourself down there. Hell finds your weakness, and uses it against you.” I advised as I made sure the catch to the lock was there, so that Marcy could open in case of emergency.

“You sound very experienced.” Marcy observed, and I gave her my gentlest smile.

“With the piece of Hell I’ve seen from Sparda and his sons? I am. Look, Marcy.” I said, taking the full attention of my sister, “if this, by some way or the other, becomes the last time we can talk peacefully, and let this be known to you. I love you more than I love myself. True, I love Trish more, but you are not lacking behind either. Whatever I do is for you, so don’t doubt me, alright? I’ve been your brother for eighteen years, and I want to continue being your brother. But if by some chance that I do not, let me tell you that I am proud to have you as my sister, and you are the best sister I can have. Given any chance that I can to choose a sister again, I would still choose you. Strike yourself up with confidence when you return to our world. If you really hate Kries Tech, then be like Daniel. Find your interest, and help Kries Tech with what you like.”

Surprisingly, my sister shook her head adamantly, not wanting to hear more as she covered her ears with her hands.

“You are not going to die, Damon, so shut up! We will make it out together!” She declared, and before I could say anything more, she ran away as quick as her chains could allow, finding solace with my doppelganger.

 I turned to Trish with a shake of my head at Marcy’s firm belief that we would make it out safely, and then stopped when I saw Trish glaring at me with slightly teary eyes.

“What’s wrong?” I asked worriedly, not understanding what caused the change in my girlfriend.

“Why are you doling out on your farewells now? You will never leave my side, and you will never leave Marcy’s side. I don’t care what happens; you can NEVER leave me, because I need you. I need you so much; I don’t know what to do without you.” She said fiercely, as if she was trying to threaten that risk out of me, but how could she try to change the risk which would always be there?

“I love you, darling, but you should know Hell is no place to be professing your weakness. It is no great news that you and Marcy are my biggest weakness, and I would do anything to protect the two of you. It is a fact that cannot be changed.”

She nodded, sighing explosively as if she had hoped a different answer from me. But how could that be when that was what she loved in me?

“Is there really no way to change you?” I smiled at her and took her in my embrace, though the movement was awkward with our chained hands that had me looping my arms over her. Still, we huddled close with no problem as she leaned against me.

“I don’t want to lose you, so don’t lose me too. I want to walk this road with you, and eventually with another pair of small feet too.” She whispered and a bit back a smile. These days Trish had been hinting pretty heavily that she seemed to prepare herself for a child. It was as if she wanted to prepare me too, but hey, my little Damons were all waiting to show off their process at Trish’s awaiting egg.

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