Is This It?

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Me and Andy where running side by side, we couldn't stop we soon got to the old house and noticed they where still living there, My white hair blew against my face as I took a long gulp and walked towards my old home.

We knocked on the door only for it to be opened by Jinxx "Holy shit!" He shouted.

"Nice to see you too" I smirked as he he rolled his eyes at me.

"Can we come in" Andy asked "I'm parched" His fangs showing

"Go ahead, I know everyone will be surprised" Jinxx stepped a side to let us past we heard people shouting and messing around yep nothing has changed.

"We walked into the kitchen hand in hand" Everyone stopped talking and starred at us wide eyed.

"Hi guys!" Me and Andy said at the same time but everyone just said "Holy shit".

We soon got piled into a group hug all of us laughing and tearing up it was nice to be one big family again but then Ashley walked in...with another slut.

"Whats with all the noise!" He shouted "Since Andy has gone, I'm the leader of this group now and I say silence" He hissed at them all but we broke through the crowed his eyes widened.

"A-Andy...S-Storm- He stutted looking at us, all of a sudden Andy was right beside him holding his neck.

"ANDY NO!" I shouted, I quickly sprinted towards them but sammi held onto my arm, Andy pushed Ashley in the stomach, and I fell to the floor holding my stomach in pain "Storm!" Sammi shouted kneeling down next to me.

"Wait what...How did she feel that!" Andy shouted waiting for an answer.

"Even though Ashley hurt her bond, she needs to be bitten by another pain if she doesn't she will feel all of Ashley's pain and if he dies so will she" Jinxx said looking at me with sadness...I felt like I couldn't breathe. Rage took over and I sprinted towards Ashley.

"WHY DID YOU DO THIS! IF YOU HAD JUST KEPT YOUR DICK IN YOUR PANTS! WE COULD HAVE BEEN HAPPY TOGETHER WE COULD HAVE HAD A FAMILY! BUT GUESS WHAT THAT'S ALL GONE! I LOST MY BABY BECAUSE OF YOU!!!" I screeched the last bit and started punching him as tears streamed down my face, Andy wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me away from him I fell to the ground and Andy came with me I hid my face in his chest I cried my heart out. The silence rung out through the house.

-1 hour later-

I had finally sorted myself out and the only person who hung around was Andy, I feel so bad for him I've already been bonded and he hasn't found anyone and he should..and speak of the devil and he arrives, he ran through my door and hugged me.

"Andy what's wrong?" I asked I could hear him sniffling.

"The Hunters they are here and they want you" I tense up but then the rest of boys including Ashley and Sammi came in my room.

"They are going to have to get through us first" They all smirked and agreed.

"Guys, you can't I need to do this by myself I was the one who went on a killing spree. Do not put your life in danger because of me" I mumbled I didn't want them to get hurt for me.

"We don't care what you say, We are fighting for you and nothing can stop us!" Sammi shouted and bared her fangs. The all cheered with her and all glared at the hunters outside.

"LETS DO THIS!" I shouted.

We all get ready in black biker boots, black leather jackets, black skinny jeans and white tank tops for me and sammi and white T-shirts for Andy, Ashley, Jake, CC, Jinxx.

We Are Ready For War.



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