Chapter 15: Late night talks

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Everyone else is asleep.

I mean, why wouldn't they be. It's almost one in the morning. All night, thoughts have been spinning around in my head, unsure of what I'm supposed to do. How am I going to cope? In a couple of hours I'm going to be flying out to the UK where I'll be staying for a few months as Bailey is, in 6 days, giving birth to her child. She, of course flew to the UK almost a month ago, and is all cozy in her own bed at home.
My best friend is about to give birth and I'm not even going to be there for it. Maybe, I could. Just for that day. I could stay with Harry, and when they get the call that she's in labour I could just turn up? No, it would never work. Or would it?

This whole journey has been hard.
Maybe I should just quit.
Never call them again and move to Mexico or something.
I'd have to change everything about me, all over again.
Maybe this time I could leave Carter with them this time?
Stop it Rebecca! Louis is never going to find out!

I hear footsteps to my left, I look and see Niall coming in my direction. He hasn't noticed me yet, and he throws something in my direction. Seconds later a big brown blur runs past, then notices me and charges towards me. I gasp when I notice what it is.
"Boo." I whisper, the dog comes charging at me and I start laughing at his enthusiasm and begin petting him and hugging him slightly.
"Oh, hi." Niall states awkwardly, he rubs the back of his neck. "I didn't think anyone else was up, sorry about boo. He's not usually this friendly to people he hasn't met before." Boo, remembers me? But how?
"It's okay, I like dogs." I smile slightly, unsure on what to say to him. "Do you, wanna sit down?" I scoot over, giving him some room to sit on the blanket I'm sitting on as well as lifting up the edge of the one on top of me. Inviting him to sit down. He agrees and sits down to the left of me, boo sitting basically on top of me, on my right. We sit in a awkward silence for a few minutes. I rack my brain for something to say, but it just keeps coming back to the girl called Amber. My head turns up to the night sky, "it's a really pretty night tonight." He nods his head slightly, but I notice he hasn't even looked at the sky, only at me. I pretend not to notice but it's all I could think about.
"Yeah, beautiful" he murmurs, still only looking at me.
"I, uh" speaking to Niall was never difficult before, but now, nothing comes out.
"So, you and Michael huh?" Finally he breaks the tension and asks a question. Michael and I? What? "Are you guys, a thing?"
"Michael and I? What gave you that idea?" I ask him, completely confused. Where did that come from, the first time Michael and I were alone together was today.
"Well, today you two came out of that room looking, uh ruffled and your lipstick was smudged." Niall stutters out his response, I'm shocked at what he says. Is that what it looked like? "I kinda assumed..."
"Ew no. He's like a brother, just like all you guys are to me." I start to laugh, also feeling a little upset. I wish I could just shout at him, tell him that it's me. That I'm in love with him. "Except you, I don't know. You're different." Why did I say that?
"Oh, good." Wait what? Good? What does that mean?
"So who's Amber? Your girlfriend?" I ask, trying my best not to sound desperate for answers. He chuckles, is that a good sign?
"More like ex-girlfriend." He laughs, but begins to frown slightly. "I'm sure you've heard of Louis' sister Rebecca? Well Amber was a rebound for her, even though we never dated." He leans his head back against the bus, sighing. "God, why am I telling you all this?" I don't know Niall, but please continue.
"No, it's fine. Continue, it might help or something." I urge him to go on, and he nods.
"Where to begin? Well we fell in love but never dated. Then when I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend she told me she was leaving for America to study photography, maybe you knew her?" He begins his story, one that I knew far to well. I shake my head, telling him that I didn't know her, or well me. He sighs and continues "so I guess that was the official breakup of our unofficial relationship. I was still in love with her so when she finished her course I was so excited because I thought we could continue where we left off, but no, she decided to stay in America, plus she started dating Ashton from five seconds of summer. I was to late." I so sorry Niall, I shouldn't have stayed, I should have gone back to you. "Then a couple of years later, I found myself at her wedding. Wondering where the hell she was, and why Louis came in looking so upset and confused." Oh god, I'm so sorry Louis. "She had run away, she left Ashton at the alter. I know I'm a horrible person but I was so happy at that moment, I thought that maybe she had done it for me. Maybe she was running because she loved me still, and that she would come get me and we could be together." I listened, and I held back my tears. I hadn't known he had still felt the same. "You know what? I hate her, I hate her so fucking much because the only thing she has said to me since two years ago is 'I'm sorry, carter and I are safe.' I hate her so fucking much because she didn't come back for me, I hate her because she didn't come back for Louis." I sat there shocked, on the verge of tears. Im about to excuse myself and leave but he continues. "I hate her so fucking much because even though we never dated, I haven't had a proper conversation with her in almost five fucking years I'm still fucking in love with her. It hurts, it hurts so fucking much."

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