Chapter 2: Meeting again

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-Louis POV-


The first placed we looked when Rebecca ran away.

She wasn't there of course, otherwise one direction probably would've stayed together longer. One direction split up a year ago, it was mutual. I could say it was Rebecca's fault but that wouldn't be fair. Our lives were maturing. The boys and I were growing up, we had wives and kids. Families.

Zayn who had gotten married to Perrie in 2015 when Becca was still here was the first to settle down. After waiting a year to have kids, Zayn and Perrie's announcement was the only source of happiness on the day of Rebecca's almost wedding, they had planned to announce it at the reception. They had a boy named Harley Luke, Then 2 years later they had a beautiful little girl which he and Perrie named Addie Nikita.

Liam is happily dating Rebecca's best friend Bailey, who is 5 and a half months pregnant with a baby girl which Bailey plans to name Emma Rose after Rebecca because of a deal she made with Rebecca the year before Harry's family adopted her. The pregnancy was a surprise to everyone.

Harry found a girl named Lily 2 years ago, they fell in love and got married within 6 months, it was a short relationship but everyone could tell they were in love, at the wedding reception Lilly announced that she was 3 months pregnant. However she was in an accident 2 months before she was due so she had to choose to let the baby live and die or to live and let the baby die. She choose to let the baby live without telling Harry. The baby was premature but so far he is healthy and happy. Harry named him Alec Colton after Lily's brother who Harry had grown close to when dating Lily.

Rebecca's disappearance probably affected Niall the most, first finding out that she was getting married then that she had ran away broke him. After so long it was obvious that he still loved her. In the 2 years she has been gone he tried to start dating again however the relationship with a girl named Amber was short lived and lasted hardly a month.

Me? Well El and I got married a year after Bec left and then El told me she was 4 months pregnant. So now I have a Son which we named Lucas Edward. We do plan to have more kids, however we aren't sure when.

Mum and Daniel are still happily married, Lottie is in university, Fizzy in high school, Daisy and Phoebe are starting their first year of high school and Doris and Ernest are in 4 year old kinder. They all miss Rebecca terribly. Doris and Ernest not as much, since they hardly knew her, but they're always asking about their older sister.

The boys and I decided that we were going to do a tour that includes all of our most successful songs from when we were first formed. Its gonna basically be a goodbye tour. It's world wide and this time the boys and I are starting in Australia, hence why I'm here. Our wives and children are joining us this time so we all have our own buses apart from Niall and Harry who are sharing, seeing as it'll only be them two and Alec. We've also asked 5 seconds of summer to be our opening act, they agreed. The 5sos boys will be sharing a bus. All together this tour is going to have 6 buses. (One for the crew) This tour is going to be massive!

Although the tour starts in 2 months the boys and I have come here early as we need to find a photographer for the tour. Not many professional photographers are will to pick and move away from their family and friends to take photos of a band. Unless, of course they're fans of ours that only want to because we're us. Plus One Direction is REALLY picky.


-20 minutes later-

Running down a busy footpath is a recipe for disaster. However, when you're me it's just a lot of fun! Well not really when you're running so fast that you don't notice the blonde girl with a camera bag slung over her shoulder, running in the opposite direction to you, muttering curse words about how late she is. Something that's also not good is running into said blonde girl and both falling to the ground.

"Crap! I'm so sorry!" The girl says "It's just I have to pick up my go- um I mean brother car- um Tyler from school and I have to get to a meeting for work, if I don't I'll most likely get fired, my boss does not like it when I'm late! I cannot lose my job! It pays well and if I lose my job I can't support my brother! Dammit! I basically just told you my life story! Sorry! I ramble when I'm nervous."

"It's okay love! It was partly my fault" I say cheerfully, this girl reminds me of a youtuber I watch, the youtuber, Just_that_runaway reminds me of Rebecca and she has a little brother that reminds me of Carter. She started posting videos about 6 months after bec left. "Just tell me your name and number and I'll let you go!"

"Oh. My. God." the girl is looking next to her, the whole time we've been talking she has been picking up the papers that must of fallen out of her camera bag. On the floor smashed into tiny little pieces is her camera. "That's the 5th this month!"

"You break a lot of cameras" I conclude

"I'm clumsy okay!" she laughs looking up, her eyes widen slightly when she sees me "Oh my god." So she finally looked up to see what I looked like!

"Hi" I reply awkwardly, laughing slightly,


She pulls out her phone and checks her phone, "Annnd i just got fired! Dammit!"

"Hey it's okay! I'm sure there are lots of people who are willing to hire you!" I say trying to comfort her. Then the thought dawns on me "I JUST GOT AN AMAZING IDEA!"

"Dude seriously, I'm right here. No need to yell" she groans

"Sorry. You know how you need a job! Well I can get you a job! My band is going on tour in 2 months, its world wide and we're in need of a photographer! Think of it as a way for me to pay you back for destroying your camera!" I exclaim

"That would be awesome!" She exclaims

"Come on let's go!" I yell pulling her through the streets to the place where I was supposed to be meeting the boys 10 minutes ago


-Rebecca's POV-

Oh My God.

What the hell is he doing in Australia!

And What the hell am I doing!

I'm supposed to be avoiding him!



Why does he have to be my weakness...



They ran into each other!

Rebecca nearly gave up the whole thing by saying god son and Carter instead of brother and Tyler!!




CHRISTMAS IS TOMORROW!! YAY!! MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! (I wont be able to say it on the day cause im on holidays)


Then the on boxing day i'm going to bright with my friend hannah! Yay!

I LOVE BRIGHT! It's the best and this is the first year I've been aloud to bring a friend!

Well have good holidays people!

Will write soon!

-Chloe xxx

(P.S. Was gonna call the girl that harry loved Hannah, but then I thought up the whole dying thing and thought that my friend hannah would kill me.)


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