Chapter 4: Why didn't you just call?

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It's been a week.

A week!

7 days

168 hours

10080 minutes

604800 seconds

I swear their trying to torture me by not contacting me!

Why cant they just call me and tell me if I git the job or not!

I mean then I would no if I should not apply for another job and live off of the money I have right now, which is alot might I add. when I moved I had to learn how to save money. I have a couple 10,000 store in the bank.

I also need to know if I should be asking for any future work for Carter. Just because we're gonna be moving around alot for a long period of time doesn't mean I can slack off and not be a good God-mother/sister!

I swear their just trying to stress me out!

So basically, it's 2 o'clock and Carters at school, Hannah's working, Alex's working, One direction isn't informing me if I got the job or not so I'm just sitting on my couch reading.

What else can I do! Stalk One direction and find out that way! Yeah, not gonna happen! They'll think I'm crazy! I definitely wont get the job then! Plus I got an text after the interview from Izzy saying that the boys remembered that they forgot to tell me the pay. I nearly died when I heard how much.

It's alot, trust me.

So here I am sitting on my couch reading Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban for the millionth time when I here a soft knock on my door. I groan and get up from my comfy position and open the door. Standing in front of the door is the most adorable group of kids three boys and a girl, who look around the age of 2 and under. No parents any where.

"Hi miss! We're lost can you help us?" The dark haired one asks

"Sure buddy! What are your names?" I ask bending down to their level.

"My names Harley Malik, this is my sister Addie Malik, this is Alec Styles and this is Lucas Tomlinson!" Harley exclaims, Malik, Styles, Tomlinson, its the boys kids! Lucas Tomlinson, my nephew "Our daddy's are looking for a girl named Emma Rush and were getting angry with the mean lady at the big desk cause she wouldn't tell them so we decided to help but then we got lost and my sisters tired so we did enie menie minie mo on the doors and choose this one!"

"Well guess what guys! You did help them cause my names Emma Rush." I smile "Come on in and I'll call them."

"YAY!" Alec exclaims giving me a massive hug. I laugh and lead them inside. I look at Addie and see that she's practically dead on her feet, I pick her up and take her to my room and place her in my bed then surround her with a bunch of pillows so she doesn't fall off.

"Go to sleep Addie, You're daddy will be here when you wake up." I coo to her. She closes her eye and is asleep instantly. Walking out of my room I open one of the closets and pull out Carters old toys. and place them on the ground for the boys. Pulling out my phone I dial Louis number and let it ring.

(Same style for conversations as HMWW?!)

(L- Louis

B/E- Rebecca/ Emma

Lu- Lucas

MJ- Mrs Jones)


L- Hello?

B/E- Hey Louis! I've got something that belongs to you.

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