Chapter Five

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Alright, well, that night wasn't anything big... I mean, we were out with friends, Louis and Savannah were flirting until they exploded, and Liam and Naomi and Saanya and Zayn mysteriously disappeared, and Niall was being a careless mofo on the dance floor.


But what happened that night was odd.

Ugh no we didn't have sex- not anything close to it either. Jesus, people! Can't go two seconds without a sexual reference.

Okay so may I continue on? Yes? Alright.

That night I finally dragged by tired, drunk body out of da clubb and managed to get the last empty cab for Savannah and I to ride home in. Ho hum. Minutes pass. Savvy passes out, but manages to regain conscienceness right before we arrive at the intersection by our flat.

"C'mon Savanner..." And that's when I got into "black-out" mode. Oh Michelle, you rebel you. All I remember is going to sleep and having this weird dream where my friend Jesy Hernandez came back to life (oh yeah, Jesy commited suicide a few years back) and convinced me to confess my feelings about Harry to her. I told her I loved him but not in a fangirl kind of way (da truth) and that I actually want to kiss him. Like, badly (double truth). And then she was all like asdfghjkl; y'all should date.

Jesy had an accent. It isn't nice to judge a dead person.


So Jesy was in my dream, and then two seconds before I woke up, she was all like "Bye Michelle! It was nice to see you, but I have to go tell a certain superstar somthing". Then I woke up. Like what just happened??? I just didn't get it, and Savannah was still asleep (big surpise there) sooo no Magical Dream Reader Savvy today I guessed.

Just then... My phone quacked. Literally, my ring tone for texts is the duck one which btw is flacking awesome. Guess who it was? A certain superstar.

"Hey, Chelle? Some girl named Jesy walked into my dream last night and said that you loved me but not in a fangirl kind of way and that you wanted to kiss me badly. Did I mention that my arm is all floppy? Haha its the best x"

That damn Jesy... She was never good at keeping secrets, and I guess that traits pass on to the afterlife. Wow I didn't know I could be that philosophical!!!


I'll have to admit.... I didn't know what to believe what with that dream and all. Was it true, or just something because I was coming down with a head cold? Eh... Whatever.

I nearly fell down the stairs towards my kitchen, where I found Niall (who else) asleep on the floor right by the refrigerfeezerator- fridge. However, I didn't invite him into my humble abode... As I began to walk towards the fridge, Niall began to stir in his sleep. Okay, I know I am a man and proud of it but asdfghjkl that boy is adorable when he sleeps. NARRY FTW!!! And they think I don't know about the bromances... Bitch please- I'm Harry Styles.

I was maybe one or two feet away from the fridge, when my phone began to ring.

"You're insecure, don't know what for- You're turning heads when you walk through the do-o-or.

Don't need makeup, to cover up being the way that you are is eno-ou-ugh"

Yes, WMYB is my ringtone. What can I say? It's a classic!

"Ello!! Harry Styles here!" I said into te frighteningly cold iPhone.

"Hey Haz- It's Michelle." As in my best friend.

"I know. I have caller ID on my high tech phone. It's the best."

"Shut up, Styles."


Michelle chuckled into the phone, briefly before stating the following:

"I had the weirdest dream last night- My old friend Jesy came into my dream and-" My jaw dropped. "She asked if I loved you and if I wanted to kiss you, then said she was going to go into your dream... Did she?"

"Did you not get my text? I just sent it to you not too long ago." I chuckled at Michelle's absolute dumbness. 

"Oh- yeah..." Michelle's hungover voice is so pathetic, it literally makes me wanna cry.

"Yeah... Well, Niall is asleep in my kitchen so I gotta go.... Thanks for calling, see ya. Bye."

"Okay- bye."

Thank the good lord that was over. I don't know why, but ever since I visited her apartment, our relationship has simply gotten weirder and weirder I don't know if you can tell, but nearly every one of our conversations have gone like this- Casual best friend-ness, then bring up a weird subject, talk about this party we both went to, then "yep k bye".

"Niall get up, you lazy boy, you," I lightly touched him with my bare foot, and nearly scared him to death- Which just so happened to be the funniest thing that happened that day so far. "OH MY GOODNESS NIALL BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" I was sent into a laughing fit!!


"Goodness Niall!!! I knew you could jump high, but "

"SHUT UP!" I switched on the lights, and my head began to pulse with pain.

"Shit..." I thought... I love to drink, but I hate getting hangovers.

"Harry?" Niall questioned. "You okay?"

"Erm.. Yeah. Just a bit of a hangover. That's all," I lied. It was more than a hangover- It was confusion. Was the dream real? Did Michelle actually love me? And if she did, do I love her?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2013 ⏰

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