Chapter two: Spirit Of The Bathhouse?

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Hello my friends and followers, it is I, Anime Nerd, wishing you all tidings of great joy, and the best possible holidays. I know, I know, your probably thinking, "well what the hell, it's been like six months!"

Well I'm sorry, please forgive my absence as far as updating is concerned. But, I have several updates planned for the next few days, so I hope your all as excited as I am!

Anime_Nerd logging on ✌

"Here shin." Reine said handing me a ticket.

"What's this for?" I asked examining the thin strip of paper. It was a small, light blue strip of paper with no wording on it.

Reine-San proceeded to hand me another. "Give one to a friend, we're spending the afternoon at the Bathhouses."

I wanted to protest, that I wasn't in any condition, or mood for time at the bathhouse. But just as quickly as she'd entered with me, Reine had left. Leaving me alone.

I sighed, and layed my head down on the table. Would giving up really help? I couldn't think that...but I did have an idea. I needed to see kurumi.

I lightly banged my head on the table. That wasn't going to work, Kurumi came and went as she pleased. I had no way of contacting her, and what would that do? I had no idea where I was supposed to start...

"Hey, Shido-kun! Having a bad day?" I didn't even need to look up to recognize that voice..


I looked up and He was glancing at me with that puppet smile he always had.

I rose from the table, "I'm fine," I insisted with a smile.

"Sh..Shido." Yoshino said, looking at the ground.

"Ya, What Is it, Yoshino?"

Faster then I could process it, Yoshino wrapped her arms around me, I could feel her tears wetting my shirt. "You've been different recently. I..I just want the old Shido back, so please, please get better!"

I hugged her for a moment. Then gripped her shoulders lightly. "Its okay," I said wiping a tear from her eye. "I'm okay, everything's fine, So how about we head home and I cook for you and Tohka?"

Yoshino smiled, "ok, Shido. I believe you."

"Now how about we get some food, Shido-kun, I'm starving!" Yoshinon said from Yoshino's hand.

I made a face, "Do you even eat?"

Turns out Yoshinon does not eat, so, I ended up making a spare rice omelet, but Tohka took care of that relatively quickly.

"Shido, that was really good!" Tohka said sinking into her chair. "I'm stuffed."

Yoshino, who had only eaten half of her's still nodded in agreement, "yes, you really are good at cooking Shido."

I smiled, but it quickly faded as I heard the obnoxious voice of Kotori through my earpiece.

"Oi, Shido. Answer me!"

"What is it?" I asked in a whisper. "And I am your big brother, you could call me onii-Chan."

"W..what are you on about?!" she shouted. "I won't take place in any of your teenage fantasies!"

"What?!" I demanded, a tad bit louder then I'd meant, causing Yoshino and Tohka to look at me. I gave an awkward wave in response, along with a nervous chuckle.

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