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What's going on? Is this the process of going to Heaven? It's so dark right now. I don't know where I am! I wish Donnie was here. But... What about all that he randomly said about Jennifer?

We were just minding our own business, talking about what we were gonna do when we got to Miami, and then Donnie says one negative comment. It was pretty rude of him. He's usually never like that. I don't understand. Was he just in a bad mood, or what? He seemed really excited about the trip, I just don't get it...

Then Jordan and Jennifer butted in and Jordan took his eyes off the road at the worst time (right when the pouring rain rolls in, of course). So, he can't really see didly-squat, anyway.

And as soon as he looks back at the road, a 16-wheeler hits us in the rear end. Then we start swerving across the highway! I immediately start death-gripping the bottom of my seat. And on top of that, another car hits us, thus making us tip over so we're all upside down! There was broken glass and debris everywhere. I had never been so scared in my life. I could feel a shard of glass that was just sticking out of my ankle. I could already see blood dripping from it. And it hurt like heck. I wanted to rip it out so badly, but I couldn't.

When that last car hit, it was major whiplash for the people in the back seat. Those people were Donnie and I. So much, that... I think Donnie and I might be in a coma together. We just laid there, heavy breathing with rain coming through the windows. I could feel the cold water pelt me in the face and I could see drops of water on Donnie, too, like sweat. I almost thought that Donnie was dead, but I was able to slightly turn my head to the right and see Donnie's cute little eyes struggling to see what was going on. I felt tears coming to my eyes when I saw him laying there looking half-dead.

He just sat there motionless, and heavily-breathing. I was scared he was going to actually die, and then I thought about me. I was able to at least move my head a little but I struggled even harder to move my head back. And then I just laid there. Was I going to die, too?

We laid there together. Not even moving. And then my eyes started to close. And my hearing got cloudy, and I was scared. What's going on!? I thought. I wish I could hold Donnie's hand for dear life and tell him everything was gonna be ok, but I felt too weak.

Jennifer started crying as loud as a newborn baby when she saw us lying in the back seat like dead fish. Jordan started tearing up, too and tried to calm her down, but it was no use. Once she got started, she couldn't stop for what felt like a long time. Her crying seemed so eerie to me, and it freaked me out a little. Did she believe that we were gonna die, too? I just knew that I was about to fall into some kind of deep trance, hoping that this wasn't going to be the end of Donnie and me.

"Stephanie...!" She was yelling, "Donnie...! No...!" The rest was a blur...

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