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After Steph told me what happened to Donnie's grandma, all I could spit out was, "What the heck?" Honestly, I'd hate it if my grandma was about to die, but it's gonna be a total bummer because I always pictured Steph and I with our couples on Thanksgiving Day at least once in our life.

I need Jordan's input on this.

I go over to my telephone and call him up. He immediately picks up after the first ring (someone's and eager beaver...), "Hello?! Are you alright?!"

"Uh, yeah. Why?" I'm so confused.

"Because we don't usually call each other and we talk in person all the time, so I figured it was an emergency!"

"Well, I wouldn't say it's an emergency... Just come over to my apartment and we'll all talk there." Once we hung up, it seemed like he arrived in less than five minutes.

I opened the door looking at him bent over, trying to catch his breath. "I tried to come as fast as I could! But my blow dryer kept falling off the sink!"

I just looked at him sarcastically, "C'mon, Jordan... I just needed your help with plans for Thanksgiving!" He collapsed on the floor, and I dragged him to kitchen table with a bored expression that I motion toward Stephanie.

Steph says after Jordan snaps out of it, "I wish there'd be some way Donnie could still be with us for Thanksgiving. I usually don't care about this holiday as much as the other ones, but now it feels like it has some meaning to it."

"I know what you're saying." I agreed. "I used to think this holiday was kinda pointless sometimes... But now it's almost as special as Christmas!"

Stephanie said, "Exactly. So, since you invited him here, do you have any ideas, Jordan?"

"Well, couldn't there be a way for his family to come down here and join us?" Jordan suggested.

"Huh, I guess if we tried hard enough. But I just don't see it happening..." Steph says.

Then all of the sudden, Donnie comes in sulking. "Hey guys."

"Hey, Donnie." We all say in unison. He better not be say what I think he's going to say. Nah. He wouldn't. He couldn't. That would be such short notice. Even for him.

"I just wanted to say goodbye." Trader!

Stephanie protests, "Today?" Donnie looked at the floor and nodded. "What? But I... We didn't get to hang out that much with you, today. Why do they want you so early?"

Donnie says, "They wanted me to be there as soon as possible just in case anything happened before Thanksgiving..."

"So, you're gonna be gone for the whole month?" She adds. He nods again. It was quiet for a little bit and then Jordan pushes through Donnie and became the first to hug him and say goodbye to him.

"See ya later, man." Jordan says as they hug, "Tell your mom she'll be alright."

"Will do." Donnie confirms.

I was next because I just wanted to get it over with. Saying goodbye was all I could do to hold back my tears that randomly formed in my eyes as we hugged, "Goodbye... Dipwad... Heh..." I made a sympathetic laugh. He smirked while his eyes looked a little stingy and bloodshot, too.

"'Asta la vista, idiot." He teased.

And then it almost seemed like he saved Stephanie for last on purpose. They embraced each other tightly for what felt like five minutes. And then they kissed each other for what felt like a little longer but still held onto each other. And when they looked at one another, I could see that Donnie and Stephanie both shed an actual tear. And they just smiled at each other (well, Donnie smirked) still holding on.

He tried to reassure her, "Hey, it's only for a month, right?"

She sniffled and nodded. "Mm-hm..."

"Hey, never forget to keep your chin up." They embrace one last time and he whispers, "Goodbye, Steph. Goodbye, everyone..." He closed the door quietly and the room turns into a funeral.

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