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Thank God we finally landed! Steph and I felt like we were gonna pee our panties from just drinking water before the flight. So, Jordan got our luggage while we used the ladies room.

We came out of the restroom and Jordan looked like he was having a struggle with carrying our stuff. Especially mine... Oops-y... I had to hurry over there and help him before he passed out!

He gave Stephanie hers and then before he tried to hand me my suitcase, I spit out, "Jordan! Just put it on the ground before you kill yourself!"

He dropped in less than a millisecond. Poor thing. I wheeled it away from him with the handle and then I said, "You do realize you could've rolled it to me..." He looks in the distance with a derp.

"Holy smokes!" Cried Stephanie looking at her watch, "It's already 9 o'clock!"

"Crap!" I cried back. "How're we supposed to get inside if Donnie might still be up."

"We'll just go in through the back." Steph replied. "Besides, knowing his mom, she probably put him to bed early."

We took a cab all the way to his house. I was starting to actually get really excited. I've never really been to Maine and I've only lived in a Boston neighborhood. So, I thought this would be a different experience.

When we pulled up to his house, we rushed to the back yard as fast as we could with our luggage. Jordan turned the knob and stepped inside. Crud muffin, the floor's are hard wood and I decided to wear heals today. The one day I decide to try these on. You know what, my shoes can suck an egg. I'm taking these off and walking on the floor with bare feet. I'm pretty sure I could hear Donnie's snoring all the way from the back door, and his room is across the house...

Anyway, we tiptoed to the basement where we found three air mattresses (Finally! Sleep!) complete with pillows and blankets. I think Donnie's mom is gonna make him run errands while we get set up for him! This was so worth it! It's not everyday when get to surprise him and see him actually jump. Because he's not very good at getting scared...

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