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Alrighty, then. Donnie was a little harsh on Jenn, but hey, we were starving!! So, before we hit the bumper cars, Donnie and I split a hot dog. Later, we eventually got in line for the bumper cars and for once I wasn't ashamed for being one of the only adult-like young people here since Donnie was with me.

I think I could see Jennifer and Jordan from where we were standing! Jordan looked like he was enjoying himself; Jennifer, not so much.

Jennifer makes a long blood curdling scream while squinting her eyes out of frustration, "DON-NIEEE!!!" And then another toddler brought her down into the water again, to make matters worse. And when she rose again she loudly hacked like a senior citizen because I guess she inhaled water water... Again...

I grit my teeth and I guess Donnie was in a daze because he satisfyingly puts his arm around my shoulder and kissed my head.

"Donnie, didn't you hear that?" I asked. Honestly, who couldn't?

"Who? Jenn? Oh yeah. I think she's being a little dramatic about it. Seriously. Who wants to go swim at the beach but not get soaked at a dunk booth?" He asks.

"Well... Jenn isn't the biggest fan of surprises. I think you would know..." I just look up at him. He laughs a little and we go choose our bumper cars.


We all sat in a circle on the floor of Jenn and I's hotel room, while we waited for Jenn to finish drying off from the shower in the bathroom, since Jordan already did in his room.

"So... now that Jennifer is ready to cooperate, who wants to go first?" I ask feeling a little awkward, because when Jenn comes out she's wearing a t-shirt, shorts, and a frown that makes you feel like it's flaming your soul into a minuscule ash.

Jordan shot his hand into the air and shook it all about, like we were in elementary school, "Oooh! I'll go!"

"Um, ok. Go for it!" What have I got to lose?

"Ok, well," he starts, "remember that time in second grade when I asked Stephanie for a piece of gum? That day, Donnie told me to give him the gum from my mouth when I finished chewing it. So I did, and then he stuck it in Jennifer's hair!" Jordan and Donnie laugh and lean over to high-five each other.

Jenn looked irritated, "And you know what happened on that same day? I took the gum from my hair, and I STUCK IT IN JORDAN'S!" She storms off toward the balcony and slides the glass door closed. Then she just kinda stared at the ocean.

Jordan just sat there oblivious along with Donnie and I, "Aw, Jennifer..." Jordan went onto the balcony with her and they talked. I don't know what they said because he closed the door behind them, but all I saw was yelling from Jennifer and Jordan looking like he was as quiet as a mouse trying to communicate to her.

Then she pushed Jordan back into the room Donnie and I were in and yelled, "DONNIE, GET YOUR STUPID BUTTOX IN HERE!!" Donnie jumped up immediately and then just trudged out in a bored manner and walked out there. This time, when Jennifer yelled, Donnie yelled back but louder. In the end- Holy crap! Did Jenn just slug Donnie!?

I slide open the door as fast as I can! And before I rush in, I stop because Donnie's already stumbling out.

"Omigosh! Donnie are you ok!?"

"Of course I am, ma'am! Hey that rhymed! Hee!" He sounds like he's drunk... I'm surprised Jennifer didn't knock him out with that punch!

"Jennifer what-? Why!?" Jordan stutters over his words in disbelief.

Donnie goes over to Jordan and puts his index finger to Jordan's mouth, "Shhh! Respect your elders, son!"

"Um, ok, Donnie! Time to hand you over to Stephanie!" Jordan awkwardly pushed Donnie's back so he'd stumble forward toward me.

"Donnie? Are you in pain?" I ask really worried. I know it was a stupid question, but you never know with him!

Donnie just smiles while he squints his eyes at me, "Nah! I'm good! You know, you look smokin' today! Have I told you that, yet? 'Cause you do! Wait, why did you grow two heads Stephanie? Why!? I thought you trusted me! Nooo!" Oh Lord, he's hallucinating! He swings his arms around the room like a helicopter and he crashes to the floor! He looks like he's taking a nap at this point.

"Jenn! Hurry up and get an ice pack! Before he gets worse!" I order while I sat next to him. She runs to the kitchen and passes it to me.

I laid the ice pack on the bruise on his cheek created by Jennifer that was fifty shades of black blue. He was knocked out cold at this point. He was still breathing but just...worn out! Jordan carried him back to his room before somebody thought we were trying to hide a body.

As soon as I closed out hotel room door, I had a chat with her...

"What were you thinking!?" I yell, "Are you like, on your period or something!?"

"No! Maybe, but no! And anyway, I got too angry at everything so I punched him in the face..." Jennifer sorta mumbled that last part.

"Ok, a little slip up like a sushi joint doesn't exactly give you a really good reason to punch my boyfriend in the face! We were just in a coma! I'm not ready to see him in another one!"

"Well, then there was the dunk booth thing and-"

"You threw his burger out the window!!"

"Oh, well, there's that too..."

I sigh a little frustratedly and say, "Jennifer, I know you get like this but, honestly, what made you throw his burger out the window?"

And then we started to laugh.

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