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I think I'm still in some weird dimension of my life but I have to make things right, even if this might be the place I'll live for the rest of my life... I hope I wake up real soon.

Then my mind switches gears and I flash into some random restaurant. I don't even know what the name is, but it's so empty. And then I spot them.... Gross. Stephanie looked hot as ever, and not with me. Jordan, I hate to say this, well not really, but I really wanna pummel you right now! I hope you never touch my girl again!

"Hey," I swallow my throat hard to hold back puke, "Jenny-Jenn... You wanna sit down with me?" I it's weird I vividly felt sick.

Clueless about what's happening, she said, "Sure!" In a real chipper tone.

We sit in one of the booths behind Stephanie and Jordan's booth where I can see them.

"So, what did you want to ea-?"

"Sh! I'm trying to listen." I duck down behind my propped up menu.

I start listening to Steph's voice, "So, Jordan, what do you wanna do when we leave this dump?"

"How 'bout we go back to my place for a little dessert." He said like he wanted to get jiggy with it. The nasty little animal.

Steph replies back, "Oooooh, sounds like a good idea, baby." I hate this so much.

I figured now I just go into action. So I take Jennifer and push her into Jordan, and I could tell their eyes instantly locked. And then I take Steph into the girls bathroom, so it wouldn't be weirder for her if she went into the men's.

"Donald! What is going on, you stalker?!" Stephanie cried. Donald?

Then after the words come out of my mouth I feel like a maniac but I say it anyway, "Stephanie! Snap out of it!" I push her to the wall by the shoulders, "You've gotta remember me. You know you love me." I whispered.

I start attempting to kiss her, and it almost felt like she was kissing me back but I couldn't tell.

I stop for a second to look at her since she didn't pull away from me yet. She must've figured out that her and Jordan aren't supposed to be together.

"See?" I look deep into her eyes, "You're just in this crazy mixed up world where our couples are changed up and everything goes wrong. Don't you understand?" I whispered.

"I don't know what's going on Donnie... But for some reason, I believe you." She's confused, but she bought it!

"Stephanie, there's so much in our relationship that I wish you could remember." And then I thought back to our fight, "Well, some things to remember are better than others..."

Oblivious, Steph replies, "Um, ok." But what about Jenn and Jordan?

Jordan came up to me and said, "Donnie, I know this is gonna sound sudden, but I think I love your girlfriend." I know this is too good to be true, but at the same time, it's gettin' as cheesy as "Saved by the Bell". Nobody says this in real life, right?

"Yeah, about that," I say scratching the back of my head, "I feel the same way about yours, if you know what I mean."

"Jordan," Stephanie butts in, "you're very nice, but Donnie is too hot and just my type. You don't mind, do you?" I just smirk and I feel my ears get red and warm. That's the best person I could get any compliment from. I guess, there is a brighter side to dreams. Sometimes the random-er, the better!

"Sure!" Jordan replies smiling looking at Jennifer, who giggles.

"Wow! This was cuh-ray-zayy!" Jennifer's inner Punky keeps coming out more and more and it's getting annoying. "Who knew we only had to swap ourselves in our relationships to be with our perfect soulmate?" I hate it. It's too much. I can't.

I try to shut her up before she goes on and I get a headache, "Right! Well, we can all head back to my place, if you want!" And then I start feeling myself wake up. Oh no! I wanna end this episode on a high note! C'mon man!

I turn to Stephanie, "Stephanie, I want you to know I love you as big as the universe, so if I ever hurt you I'm so, deeply sorry." And I give her one last goodbye kiss. I surprised I was able to control the dream for once. Dang it! If I knew that, I could've just put her in a bikini.

I start feeling my eyes loosen and I open them up a little. It's a kinda hard at first and I feel groggy, but I just keep blinking to get used to it, and then I see Stephanie. In the actual flesh!

Was she still asleep? Wait, now I see her eyes start to open, so I sat up on the headboard. I kinda liked watching Steph wake up slowly and peacefully under the white, crisp covers. It made me feel better after my second-dimension of a dream. We were both wearing those gowns that they make you wear in the hospital. I felt like I was doing one of those twin-day things in middle school.

She was lying on her side looking at me with squinted eyes and smiling. My eyes lighten up when I really looked at her. I think I needed to cheer her up like I used to.

I look around "frantically" and pump my fists in the air, crying, "It's true! I am a real boy!"

She giggled and I didn't realize how much I missed that laugh of hers, until now.

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