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That was fun! Well, except for the part about Joey. Honestly, I forgot he's existed since twelfth grade! So, we took a plane trip back home to Boston and brought Donnie with us. I missed him so much that month! We cuddled the whole plane ride home. I mean, I practically fall asleep on him because when I have a plane ride with him, they're always so peaceful if I lean on him to take a nap. I swear he's like a living teddy bear that protects me. I've never felt safer on a plane.

When we landed, I was so happy to be back home in Boston for some reason, like I've been homesick the whole time. When I got inside my apartment, I had a sigh of relief that everything was still there and in place. That everything that happened before Thanksgiving wasn't just a dream. If it was, I'd be pretty upset.

I walk over to my mailbox and see Black Friday sales. Crap! I need to get everyone a Christmas present. This year we'll just get somebody a present that we found that makes us think of them. No lists.

So the day after Black Friday (it'd be much less crowded and weird) I went to Target. But some lady ran into me when I was just walking into the building.

"Excuse me, miss!" The lady said, "Are you Stephanie Banks?"

"Um, yes?" I was hesitant on giving out my actual identity because I was confused to the max.

"Hi there! I am Charlotte Glass. I'm the manager of Fashion Co. I've seen your work and I'd love to have an interview for us. I feel like you'd make a great addition to the team!" The manager of Fashion Co.!? OMIGOSH! This is HUGE!

"Why thank you! But, I've only been in college for two years and I was gonna go back for my last two."

"I don't think you'll need to do so! You've already excelled in the first two that you already fit the field for fashion!" (Did she mean to put in that tongue twister?)

"Oh! Alright! So, how soon did you want me to come back for an interview?" I ask.

"If it's ok with you, how about today?" Well, so much for a Target!

"Today? Well, I'm sure my folks wouldn't mind if I took some times outta my day for an interview?"

"Fabulous! Meet me over at the office building past the Weigles, ok?"

"Great!" I chirp.

When I arrive there they put me in meeting room 17 with Charlotte. This this she held a clipboard and pen in her hands.

"Alrighty, then! Let's get started, shall we?" She said. I just not as approval. She continues, "So, what would you say are your three best qualities for the fashion industry?"

Three best qualities? Hmm. I start out with, "I feel that I'm great with photography, good with matching outfits, and I have lots of ideas for new designs for the new millennium of 2000." I smile.

She goes on, "Alright, um, are you in a relationship at the moment?"

"Yes." I say proudly.

I think I heard mumble, "Well, that's not gonna last much longer..."

"And last but not least, do you like to travel?"

"I suppose I do. Like, visiting New York and stuff like that."

"Ok, Ms. Banks! I believe we will see you in London for what everyone calls it: 'The Hear of Fashion'! We will give a plane ticket for the Friday after New Year's at 1:30 P.M. You will get to join us on our fashion extravaganza for the next two years!" She excitedly announced. I wasn't excited at all. I just sat there. Two years in London without any of my friends!? What the heck is she trying to do to me!? I mean, I understand that this opportunity is huge, but I don't know if I want to do this... I almost feel like I have to talk myself into doing this. It seems like a good idea, but... I just don't have a good feeling about it... I need to sleep on it.

When I pulled myself together, I said, "Thank you very much for the opportunity, Ms. Glass. I will sleep on it, and I'll see how I feel."

Now I just need figure out how I'm gonna deal with the others' reactions...

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