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"I'm so nervous!" I told Jordan in the kitchen a couple of months before the wedding. We were trying to plan out some of the last few details for the wedding that day, while Don and Steph are out at a popular restaurant called Sullivan's.

Jordan assured, "Me too. But don't worry, I'll be there with you!"

Only a little bit of relief came over me and then it turned into sarcasm, "Well, duh! Anyway, Steph and I need to figure out what our dresses should look like, but we're so busy and-"

"Do we have any fried chicken?" He looks at me with a happy derp.

I look at him blankly, "No. No we don't, Jordan. If you need any chicken, go to KFC. Now like I was saying-"

He cuts me off again, "I"m really craving Kool-Aid... Grape flavored..."

"I give up!" And I go and pour Jordan a glass of Kool-Aid. He drinks it satisfyingly while I go into the living room and call Stephanie for some help.

"Hey! You wanna go to David's Bridal and we can check out some dresses for the big day?"

"Sure! We gotta hurry up and choose them! We're really cutting it close, Jenn."

I sigh stressfully, "I know, I know... But that's why we're doing that today!" I try to assure her. "Now, be over there in fifteen minutes flat! I wanna hurry up and get outta here before Jordan spills his Kool-Aid in my apartment and I find out about it. Oh crud-"

Jordan, "Oops!" I hear a plastic cup hit the kitchen floor, and I cringe in the other room while holding the phone on my chest.

I put my ear back onto the receiver, "Um, make that twenty minutes! Too late for me..."

Stephanie laughs, "Take your time! It seems like you got a little five-year-old on your hands..."

"Maybe I should just get used to it. After all, I do want a couple of kids one day... Ok, I gotta go, before the floor gets sticky." And I scrunch my face on the other end of the receiver.

"I'll see you at the David's Bridal when you help your kid clean up his Kool-Aid!" And she hangs up.

I put my brick phone down on the coffee table and sprint to the kitchen.


"Oooh! That one's gorgeous!" Drooled Stephanie. It was a beautiful dress, I have to admit. It was a strapless dress with a train in the back. It was majestic, don't get me wrong. But it just seemed too big, and definitely too expensive! I feel like, for our age, we need something a little toned down, but something unique for each of us. I don't want it to turn into that thing when you show up at the prom, but someone is wearing the same dress you are. Ew, I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it.

I suggest, "It does look cute, Steph. But how about we look at some of the other ones over here..." And I directed us toward the other side of the room, where there were some younger looking dresses. Jeez, why do women have to deal with all the stress of picking out a special dress? All the men have to do is make sure their bow tie is on straight but make sure it's not suffocating their neck at the same time!

I felt like we hit it big after I gave my suggestion. I mean, Steph was hugging me a million times when everything worked out in the end! We actually found two different dresses that suited us that we absolutely loved! Once we tried them on, we it sealed the deal. The guys are gonna love them!

Once we got home, we walked in on the guys wrestling on the floor with even more juice on my hard wood floors. I just cleaned that up, too!!! Ugh...

"Ok, you two break it up." I say when we see them in a pretzel.

"He started it!" The boys say in unison, pointing at each other.

Stephanie says, "At this point, does it even matter? Why is there a bunch of grape juice on the floor? I thought Jennifer said she cleaned it up."

"That's what I thought, too..." I say while I give Jordan a death stare. His cheeks get a little flushed.

When they eventually untangle themselves, they explained that Donnie wanted some of Jordan's grape juice but Jordan declined his request. And Donnie tried again. And again, Jordan said no, hugging the gallon of juice to his chest. So then, Donnie put Jordan in a headlock and brought him to the floor. But since the cap was off the can of juice, Donnie leaned forward and Jordan and the grape juice went down. And that's what happened from there. But at least I got them to scrub my floors this time!

At one point, I hover over Donnie and smirk, "You missed a spot."

He mumbles, "Yeah, yeah, yeah..." Why am I enjoying this so much!?

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