Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I could vaguely smell blood and taste traces of something sour in my mouth. Ignoring the pounding my head emanated and spread throughout my body I heard Kevin and Raven speaking.

“Did you clean up the blood from her head?” Raven asked Kevin worriedly.

“Yes, and I also made her swallow some medicine an hour ago so by now it should be taking effect,” answered Kevin.

“I hope you realize this is your entire fault. If you would have just left after I arrived, Jenni and I would have just been watching movies like we usually do. Then maybe she would have just fainted while being seated on the couch.” Raven said irritation rolling off every word.

“Everything was going exactly as it used to; she was as attracted to me like the very first day we met. Today I was finally going to break the boundary and make a move… she was about to kiss me…” Kevin said lost in thought. “If anything you shouldn’t have come in the first place. Jen is mine and I am willing to fight anyone who stands in my way, I won’t let her go this time.”

“How do you even manage to show yourself in front of her? Have you no shame for your past actions?!” Spat out Raven.

“I carry that shame with me every time I look into her green eyes. But let me warn you now, I am not willing to share her, let along give her up,” Kevin growled.

“Who the hell do you think you are, just walking into her life again in her feeblest stage! I cared for her after you broke her. Do you think that when she wakes up you are going to be received so easily?”

“I can only hope that when she wakes up all that I’ve done this lifetime will amend some of the suffering,” whispered Kevin.

What are they talking about? Did I faint? Dammit, I'm dead aren’t I? I accused myself. As I was about to try and move, my eyelids flew open. I slowly got off my bed and headed for my balcony. It was all a dream, Raven and Kevin aren’t even in my room so it was impossible that I heard all of that. Just my imagination running wild, I tried to convince myself. Looking up at the crescent moon I tensed when a chilled breeze whipped my hair back. Why do I feel so strange?

“Once again thanks so much for staying the night and taking care of me you guys,” I smiled.

“No need for ‘thank you’s’ it’s the least we could have done,” Kevin said returning my smile. His hair was covering most of his face but I still noticed a hint of sadness in his voice.

“This is why I love you both so much.” I commented.

When they said goodbye I closed the door and leaned my back against it. Now what do I do? Well, I could always do homework... Psh nah. I laughed out loud. So I did what every other teenager would do, log onto Facebook. Checking every comment and picture ‘likes’ I received I logged onto YouTube. Knowing the only person that could cheer me up as I felt lonely, I typed into the search box : ELLEN DEGENERES. I saw a video of her being ‘cut out’ of the movie Titanic.

Deciding it was time for me to eat I ran to my kitchen and looked inside the freezer. “Yay!!!” I reached in and took out a new packet of Oreos. Smiling I read the note I had set on them when I had just bought them. The note said:

 Kevin these are MY Oreos, god help me... if you eat a single one you better be ready to suffer.

As I served myself some milk I looked back at the table where I had set the soon to be empty new box of Oreos. They were gone. What the… I could’ve sworn I placed them here! Confused I walked over to the table they had been set and even got on my knees to check on the floor in case they were trying to escape my wrath... No luck.

“I must be going crazy,” I declared.

Goosebumps crawled all over my body when my eyes caught sight of a white monarch butterfly outside the kitchen window feeding on my purple coneflowers. As I walked closer to the window to analyze its distinctive color I saw a boy leaning on the tree in my front yard.

Normally I wouldn’t be scared but then again I always knew my parents wouldn’t let anything happen to me. But now I was alone.

He was wearing grey skinny jeans, a black shirt, VANS, along with a black hooded jacket. I tried to see his face but I could only see the tip of his nose under the hoodie. Although he was leaning on a tree his pose made him seem intimidating. As I kept examining him I noticed something colorful next to his feet that made my heart skip a few beats.

It was the packet of Oreos I going to devour. How did I know, the pink sticky note was still the blue cookie packet. Scared I just ran up to my room nearly tripping on the stairs, locked the door, and sat in the far corner of my room. Quickly getting my cellphone I texted:

Me: Kevin someone came into my house and stole my cookies so I locked myself in my room, please come, asap.

Kevin: Ha-Ha nice one.

Me: Gosh-dammit Kevin there’s someone outside my house! He’s wearing grey skinny jeans with a black hooded jacket. Please, I'm so scared!

Kevin: I’ll be right there. Don’t open your door until I text you Jen.

My breathing was turning into pants; my chest feeling like it would crumple as my heart hammered against it. I tried to slow my heart beats by taking in big gulps of air into my lungs and out slowly. I felt it working, well that is until I heard the CRASH!

My whole body jumped with the sound of a window shattering. Why is this happening to me? For the love of god I'm only 16, don’t let me get raped or die. I listened intently for the creak coming from the 7th stair step and let out a heavy sigh of relief when everything remained silent.

Letting out a shriek when I heard a knock from the opposite side of my door I got under my bed. After recovering from my mini heart attack I stared wide eyed as someone slipped a folded piece of paper under it the door. Crawling I got the piece of paper and opened it. It said:

I found you.

What does he want? Is he going to torture me? Or does he want to kill me..? No, I’m not going to die here. I ninja walked my way to my closet and took out a golf club thinking to myself how much I love my dad for making me learn how to golf. I was in front of my door with the gulf club over my shoulder. Ok Jennifer on the count of three you’ll open the door. 1……………….2………………. I took a deep breath………..3!

I swung the door open and planted my feet firm on the ground. My hands gripped the golf club turning knuckles turned white. In front of me was no one. I poked my head out of my room; my eyes examining everything. Setting the club down I saw everything was where it should be. CREEEAK. I froze in shock as I saw someone coming up the stairs. He was wearing a black jacket with his hoodie on. I raised my gulf club slowly, ready to attack when he raised his head. I let out a breath I didn’t even realize I’d been holding as I saw it was just Kevin. Dropping the club I ran at him I embraced him in a hug.


Hey guys! So hope you enjoyed the chapter, again. xD

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