Chapter 1:

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 Chapter 1:

I had been running for a while, my legs ached and pleaded me to stop; my eyes were incapable of adjusting to the obscurity in the cave; my hands being my guidance. With every glance I threw over my shoulder I caught no movement yet I could feel it. And that it didn’t want to have small talk, it wanted me. How did I know it wanted me, you ask? I felt a part of my chest being invisibly connecting us both, drawing us together. But I wouldn’t go down without a fight. The cave echoed my footsteps and heavy breathing; I knew there was no point in trying to remain quietits eyes were glued on me. But what was it? More importantly why was I being chased?

‘Hah!’ I laughed internally. Being chased was an understatement. I knew I was being herded like a helpless sheep being chased by the big bad wolf. I had to come up with a plan and fast, although I already knew I wouldn’t survive this situation. My legs weren’t built like a jaguars capable of running for long periods of time, my body wasn’t built like a polar bears being able to keep warm through the rough artic winds, my heart wasn’t built to withstand the anticipation I expected to erupt when itcaught me.

My body was shaking violently as I continued to run in the sub-zero temperatures. My lungs burned immensely with every breath I inhaled of the harsh winter air. Both emotionally and mentally I was a total wreck but I was human after all.

The moment finally came and scraping both my palms and knees I collapsed on the graveled ground. Sweat made my brown lengthy hair stick to the sides of my face. My aching body felt cemented to the ground. As I tilted my head to the side I could see a muddy-green smoke begin to mold into a human outline. When it began to reach out to me the invisible cord that connected us began to burn my chest. A cry of pain escaped my lips, automatically my arms held my chest tight in an attempt to squeeze the pain away. It was then I noticed it was not just smoke anymore.

The broad shoulders instantly gave away he was male. He wore a black hooded jacket along with black pants and combat boots. His hands were covered with black gloves but none of what he wore mattered to me. I could only feel the immense frustration causing my eyebrows to furrow together because his face was inside the shadowed hoodie. Darkened. Shadowed. They say eye contact is powerful enough to leave anyone with massive fear but even without me locating his eyes; I felt his gaze boring my skin, melting it away.

 Ding Dong Ding Dong Ding Dong!!!

“Jen! Are you awake?” Kevin shouted knocking me out of my nightmare. It wasn’t the first time I had that dream and it wasn’t the first time I didn’t get to see what would happen in the end. Annoyed I got off my bed and stretched.

Running down the stairs and threw the door open yelling, “No Kevin I am NOT awake! Now if you don’t mind have a very important date with my bed! Good bye and good night!” I meant to slam the door on his face and get back to sleeping but he slipped his foot in and invited himself in.

“Someone’s a little bit feisty,” Kevin smirked.

Although Kevin has been always been my best friend, ever since I was 7 years old I noticed that when I was around Kevin I felt uneasy. “Your presence is making me uncomfortable. Be gone! Andale! I need my 12 hours of sleep!”

“Jennifer Hunter its 3 o’clock pm, you need to get out of that bad sleeping habit,” Kevin said eyeing me warily.

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