Chapter 5

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I immediately shoved at his chest causing him to drop me on the ground and stumble backwards. I picked myself up and headed for the door. Feeling my butt begin to ache I thought, Yeah those cheeks are going to bruise.

The door knob was jammed but I managed to pull hard enough to swing the door open. Looking back I saw a dark smoke appear around him as he slowly got up. “Don’t you dare leave,” he said in a ferocious voice. Fire filled the closet and although it wasn’t touching me yet I felt it burning my skin.

HA, like I'm going to stay here to deal with you! As if by luck, the bell to escape to lunch rang. Hmm, guess that’s what it means to be saved by the bell… I thought to myself as I tried to run back to class through the school of fishes and gather up my belongings. I made sure Ian wasn’t waiting outside of the classroom and began to walk to the cafeteria. I… What did I ever do to him!

 Walking outside of the building I saw the field which was filled with starved looking students even though the sky held a dark blanket threatening to pour rain on them. Heading for the cafeteria line I took out my money. From the corner of my eye I noticed I was being followed. I’m already outside it’s impossible that he’d do anything in front of all the students and staff… would he? No, that’s the reason he took me into the closet.  I’m just being paranoid.

As I tried to shake off the anxious feeling someone grabbed my shoulder causing me to shriek. My heart was racing and I felt the tingles around my body. This feeling felt more serene, more common? I let my muscles relax as the person walked in front of me to reveal it was only Kevin. Still out of breath I managed to say, “Hey… where’re we meeting Raven?” Still feeling a bit uncomfortable around him I release his grasp from my shoulder as I took a small step back.

“Before she even comes I need to speak to you.” Kevin said with a stern voice. I didn’t know what to do, it’s the first time Kevin looked so serious in front of me. Well, besides the first day he met Raven.

Trying to avoid his eyes I said, “Kevin I don’t want to talk about what happened Saturday and as for this morn-” I stopped midsentence as I spotted Ian was leaning against the shadowed area of the cafeteria. His hands were stuffed into his jacket and he was facing just me.  I tried to move but my body wasn’t responding. I noticed Ian half smile as he noticed my struggles to move. What the hell?  I could feel Ian’s eyes burn into mine as he straightened up and began to walk toward us.

Panic ran through me so I broke off the gravity that kept me from moving, grabbed Kevin's hand, and dragged him to the front of the lunch line not caring about the dirty stares and curses the other students gave us for cutting, “I am so hungry, you?” I asked relaxing in the tight crowd. Yet I knew I couldn’t completely relax… he was still after me.

“Me too,” Kevin said looking at my lips. His eyes were brown but somehow if you’re really focused they held a tint of red.

Weird, I thought to myself. I simply smiled and spotted Raven as she entered the cafeteria. Waving at her to come over Kevin groaned, “Does she always have to be with us? Can’t it just be a day when it’s Kevin and Jen Day? You know like old times.”

“Kevin stop, she’s my friend and I want her to sit with us. Plus we already had Sater… I mean Sunday to hang out.” My cheeks were boiling as the memory of the incident with Kevin replayed in my head. I looked back to the spot where Ian had been and saw it being over taken by students having a food fight within their friends. Kevin just looked away and pretended I hadn’t mentioned Saturday. ‘He’s so nice… I love that he’s so polite.’ My smile grew larger as I realized I never refrained myself from cursing.

“Hey Raven.” I greeted her. I could feel the pain run through me again and a migraine striking me. I smiled and faced her so Kevin wouldn’t notice something was different in me.

Paying for all of our lunches and heading for a table Raven said, “I am so sorry about this morning Jenni.”

Kevin's POV:

Wrinkling up my nose from her foul smell I watched as she approached us.

“Hey Raven,” Jen said with a smile. A cloud of pain began to form in my chest as Jen directed her attention to Raven.

Without responding Raven cut in front of us and paid for all of our lunches. That clever little leech, she thinks that just because she acts nice to me in front of Jen that Jen will turn against me? Well, two can play at that game.

As we all headed for a table Raven said, “I am so sorry about this morning Jenni.”

When we got to the table I pulled out Ravens seat and motioned her to sit then did the same for Jen with the most dazzling smile I could pull off. I lowered my gaze and said, “As am I Jen. Not just for this morning but for every time we have upset you.” When I looked up I noticed Jen was looking at her finger nails with her hair hiding her face. I glanced toward Raven and smiled when I saw her ‘threatening glare’. She hadn’t expected me to counteract her plan.

“Don’t make me hurt you,” Raven screamed in my head.

My smile widened as I said, “Who gave you permission to come into my mind and speak to me? And as for your little plan I knew you were up to something the second I smelled you gagging scent.”

Ravens hiss echoed in my head. I had to resist the urge to laugh since Jen was right next to us. “Listen you thing, like I’ve been saying since I was 7 you are nothing. Jen just needed a little support and used you. She wouldn’t even care if you disappeared. Not that it would ever happen since you are stuck to her like a piece of worn out gum.” I finished with annoyance in my voice.

Ravens eyes were blazing red and her hands were up in a fist. I could feel her muscled tighten as she prepared to jump on me and rip me to shreds. HA! Like that would ever happen.

“Tsk Tsk Tsk you can’t do that here, look around there’s too many normies around, not to mention Jen is right beside you and you might end up hurting her with your bad temper and lack of restrain.” She glared back but relaxed her muscles.

“She’ll never be yours; you lost her to me a long time ago. You’re nothing but trash holding her back from her true potential.” She replied.

Her words stung me but I just turned on my poker face and replied, “Like I said I know I hurt her but I haven’t lost her yet. Before you interrupted on Saturday I was about to give her the baiser de mémoire.” Her eyes widened as I continued, “I can’t take it any longer and am going to make sure she remembers, and then she can decide who she will choose.”

“You’re a selfish idiot! If you do that it could mentally mess her up! She may be stronger than the two of us combined but that doesn’t mean she can handle everything at once. It’s not her fault you awoke with your memory and she has to slowly recover it. And in case your germ sized excuse for a brain hasn’t thought about it, you would most likely lose yourself in giving her the baiser de mémoire and hurt her!” Raven replied now pissed.

“Just you wait, whenever we’re alone I’ll make sure she remembers everything the way it actually happened.”

With that I shut my mind preventing her from crawling up into my head like a bottom feeder she was. The mental talking lasted less than a minute so I knew it was ok if Jen hadn’t said a word yet.

Clearing her throat Jen looked up. Her face was on lock only showing a blank expression. The bags under her eyes looked purple, her eyes were pink as if she was about to burst into a crying spree, she opened her mouth and said in an expressionless voice, “Guys I think I need to be alone.”

I felt confusion overpower any other emotion on my face.



Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter and the long wait.  :D

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xoxo Sam[:

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