Chapter 1

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"I don't get what you see in him, he is a rebellious jerk that acts popular in school" I whined to my Best Friend and table mate, Seolhyun

"I don't know, how can you not find him well .. Cute?" Seolhyun asked

"He bullies , gets into trouble , and obviously, he despises me" I groaned

"Yeah, how do you be sure of that" she asked

"Don't get me started . He pranks me like 24/7 , he acts like I'm his servamt , he treats me like crap and he also acts like I'm nothing, as if I was born to treat him like a king" I grimace at the thought of him.

"Oh c'mon, it's cute when he acts rebellious" she said with a sigh while daydreaming

"Hello? Are you in the right state of mind? I just said he gets me into trouble all the time." I said punching her arm lightly, rolling my eyes.

"At least he knows you exist, I don't think he even realises I'm your best friend" she groaned

"Yeah, I rather not be noticed than be annoyed by him Everyday" I rolled my eyes once again.
"Whatever Mr Lee is here" I said

We greeted Mr Lee and took our seats. Oh that Taehyung guy me and my Friend was talking about? He sits two tables away from me. Making things much better! Clearly.

"I'm coming around to collect your homework, anyone who didn't do it or didn't bring it, you know the protocol" He said

"Yah. Hyunyoung, did you do your homework?" Taehyung said in a soft tone

"So what if I did?" I said

"Great, pass it to me. QUICK! Before Mr Lee comes" he said stretching over.

"Like I would." I replied and looked away from him

He stood up from his chair.

"Give it to me!"

"Yeah okay! Sure I will first go walk my unicorn and find a leprechaun to adopt" I said sarcastically

"Why not get a penguin instead" he said

"Oh okay. Make sure it can fly" I shot back

"Wait... But penguins can't fly" he said putting his finger on his Chin

"Exactly" I face palmed my self from his ignorance and stupidity

"Gosh I knew he's dumb but I didnt know he's this dumb" I cursed under my breathe

"Hey! I heard that! What the hell did you just say?!" Taehyung shouted

"Why the hell do you need to know? All I said was you were dumb! Something you should be used to !" I shouted back

"You piece of shit!" He shouted going up to me, raising his hand as if wanting to slap me.

"HEY! Taehyung! Hyunyoung! Mind your language! Detention! Both of you!" Mr Lee shouted, overpowering both our voices.

"But Mr Lee! I did my homework" I furrow my eyebrows, holding the piece of paper up.

"But you need to be thought a lesson. I can't stand you two always bickering over small things" he sighs, rubbing his wrinkly forehead.

"He started it anyways" I rolled my eyes. I found myself rolling my eyes whenever the topic of him comes up.

"Yeah, AS IF!" He retorts.

"Back off!" I said looking at him, he was 3 inches away from me. And that's really close. I could smell his cologne from where I was standing.

"Break it up! 3 hours detention! And that's set!" Mr Lee said before lightly pushing Taehyung back to his seat

more than love | kim taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now