Chapter 13

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What? What is happening?

I grabbed my phone charger . My phone was at 12% give me a break.

"Hey Hun. Where are you off to?" My mom asked

"Umm. A friend's place"

"Don't lie . I can tell"

"I'm going to Taehyung's"

Shit. I forgot that I told her we were in a relationship

"Yah! You don't have to come home if you want to! You Two have fun"

"MOM! Shut UPPP! He needs help . That's all"

"That's what you said"

"Whatever I'm leaving!" I said as I stomped out
I was late . I came 15 minutes after even though it's a 10 minutes walk. I just needed to eat okay? I bought some cookies and finished them on the way . I couldn't let him see me eating when he needs help?
By the time I reached his place ,
I smashed the doorbell repeatedly.

"KIM TAEHYUNG" I shouted

"Oh my gawd. You're finally here" he whined

"What happened?!"

"Yes , I'm fine ! Why would you worry?"

"Just tell me already" I punched his arm

"Do you know how to sew?"

Is this something irrelevant again . Kim Taehyung you spammed me and asked if I knew how to see

"Umm I think..."

"My lion stuff toy has a opening . Can you help me fix it?"

What. That's it

"I ran from my house to yours . For a lion stuffed toy. What if I didn't know how to sew? I would've wasted my time" I pouted

"Yeah. It's important okay" he whined

"Aish! Okay! I'll help"

"Thanks jagi" he pecked my cheek

I smiled and immediately blushed.
"Nah! Now don't spoil it anymore . I don't want to sew ever again" I said passing him his lion stuffed toy

"Arasso" he smiled widely

"I'm going back now" I yawned

"Yah! It's 8.45" he said pointing at the time

"Yeah. So?"

"You can't go out this late ! Well, alone"

"Yeah right . I'm turning 20 okay?"
"So what do you want me to do?"

"Stay over"

"What? I'm not staying over again okay?"

"Please jagi, we don't have school tomorrow anyways" he whined

"Yah! I'm just giving you a chance okay? That doesn't mean you can order me around" I blushed . The sound of Kim Taehyung calling me Jagi . Just makes me feel so .. So . I don't know?!! For the first time . I felt love

more than love | kim taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now