Chapter 12

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I saw Taehyung, about to slap a girl

"Kim Taehyung, if you dare touch her"

He immediately turned to me with a strict face.

"Why are you following me?!" He asked

"I'm not following you." I grabbed the girl's wrist and ran from Taehyung.

"You go run, I'll take care of him"

"Ne. Th-thank you" she stuttered and ran away.

"What are you doing ah?" I asked him

"She owes me money"

"Give her more time. Stop being so impatient"

"Fine." He rolled his eyes.


My parents were out so I was at back home doing my home work while listening to some songs when the doorbell rang


" I'm coming!" I said running towards the gate

" Umm... Why are you dressed like this?" With the I-am-confused face as Taehyung was dressed up.

"Hurry get yourself dressed we're going out" He smiled

That smile though, always drags me down and make my heart go wild
Should I wear this or this I said holding up 2 dresses one which is a black and white strips and the one with the white with black stars.

"Aish" I took out my phone to text Seolhyun
H: Black and white strips or white with black stars?
S: Huh?
S: Kk chill!!!
H: -.-
S: Umm... White with black stars??
H: Thanks. Bye
* ( typical convo between me and Shervon )
I walk out wearing a white with black stars with black sneakers ( I'm not gonna wear heels, even if this is just a story, high heels are just a no for me )

" Whoa! You look s-" He said before getting cut of by me.

"I look so?" I said while smiling.

"Never mind Kaja!"He said holding my hand

"To where?"I asked curiously

"Somewhere special" He said while smiling

I blushed and kept quiet

We took a cab there as he doesn't know how to drive

Me and Taehyung sat at he back as he wanted to sit with me .

While we were in the cab, I was thinking where we were going . Firstly, we are "frienemies" why would he "ask me out" .  But then, he suddenly he placed his hand around my shoulder. I turned and we made eye contact.

I quickly turned to face the window when he pulled me closer to him

"Yah! Go away!" I whispered to him and moved a seat away


" We're here!" Taehyung said and helped me out.
I sat on the table quietly and suddenly he went up on the stage and started to sing

"Umm.." I said to myself

" HyunYoung will you be my jagi?" He asked with pitiful eyes.

I blushed, it took me awhile for my response. The guy that bullies me, likes me? Well... I like him too...

I slightly nodded and forced out a smile

He took out a bouquet of flowers and passed it to me but I just took it and looked away as it was awkward and started eating as I thought about what just happened.

I thought I hated him,
I thought I despise him,
I thought he hated me,
But here I am,
Falling for him

After we had dinner, we took a cab home.

~In the cab~
I was using my phone from 3 minutes ago but there's nothing to do so I just switched off my phone and look outside.
I was looking outside when Taehyung use his hand to make me face him but I just look at the corner of my eye to not make eye contact as it was awkward.

Suddenly I felt something soft on my cheek and I blushed. I remembered about just now that Taehyung asked me to be his jagi.

" Bye HyunYoung" Taehyung waved to me as I was walking into my house.
I went to take a shower as I didn't like wearing dresses ( I can't wear dresses or skirts anymore // still even though if it's a story, I just kennut )

After my shower I sat in the couch thinking about just now in the cab.

" HyunYoung? What are you thinking about?" It was my mom that just came back from work.

"Umm.. It's nothing" I said and quickly went to my room.

Should I tell her I have a Boyfriend? This is really unexpected, I didn't even started dating him. And now, we are in a relationship.

I heard a knock on my door.

"Eomma! I don't want to talk about it!" I whined as I laid down on my bed

"I know it about this Taehyung boy"

I could feel her smiling.

Ugh! I need to let this out to someone. Should I tell her?

"Fine! Come in" I said as I got up to make space for her to sit.

"So. About this 'Taehyung'" she smiled

"Eomma. I-I" I stuttered. I couldn't tell her. I just couldn't.

"You what?"

"I'm .. I-In a..." I stammered

"A...." She added

"Re-la-tion-ship with Taehyung" I said as I looked away

She immediately pulled me in for a hug

"My Hyunyoung is all grown up!" She squealed

"Yup, and you're Hyunyoung is gonna die if you hug her this hard"

"Mianhae! When do I get to meet this Taehyung? Is he rich? Is he cute? Are you two gonna have children?"

That last question tho.

"MOM WHAT THE HELL! I'm not even married to him! I don't even know if we will . Well, last Long"

"Oh. Take your time. Do you have a photo of him?" She asked

"Yeah. I Guess I do" I said as I looked for my phone

I showed her a picture of Taehyung

"Oh gawd. He is SO HOT!" She exclaimed

I looked at her with a what-the-hell-did-you-just-say face.

"I'm catching on to the newest words okay." She whined

"Yah yah. Whatever." I said

"Is he rich?" She asked again

"Yes. He is" I rolled my eyes

I didn't care if whoever I'm dating is rich or not. Well, my parents always told me to find a guy that actually loves me. And here my mom is. Asking if he is rich

"Oh mah gawd. Last Long okay ?!" She said as she left me room.

"Yah! Now bye!" I said as I laid back down on my bed.

I laughed and checked my phone

4 unread messages from: Kim Taehyung

T: Hyunyoung?
T: are you there?
T: it's important! Please reply me
T: meet me at my house. NOWW

What? What is happening?

-= Authors Note =-
For once in my entire life
IxShervon finally helped me with my story . She is Seolhyun in my story btw . Annyeong. Saranghae <3

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