Chapter 3

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Should I tell her the truth? Or should I tell Taehyung the truth? DAMN SOMEONE HELP ME

It's better off I tell Tae. So he wouldn't. Mistaken me for liking him.

End of school~

Again, me and Tae were the lasts to leave. He went before me when I grabbed his wrist

He stared at my hand for a minute and looked up at me

"What?!" I asked

Soon enough, I realised and immediately let go

"Sorry." I said

"What's that all about?" He asked

"I need to tell you something" I sighed

"What. Faster" he hurried me

"If you get a text from me. Well, saying that I lik-" I got cut off by him

"Is your hand getting better?" he asked

I Guess he must've realised I kept my hand that got injured behind my back

He asked me to bandage it, but I didn't want to . So I just wore my jacket to cover it.

"Yeah. It's fine" I said moving it further away from him

"You did bandage it right?" He asked. Wait is he caring for me again?

"Why would you care? I don't even get why you would help me" I scoffed

"Because I lik- I like" he stuttered

I started breathing heavily that he could obviously spot

"To help people" he ended.
"You didn't think I would say I liked you, right?"

YAY! Great job Kim Taehyung for making harder to Tell you if Seolhyun confesses to you it isn't me

"So did you bandage it?" He Asked again

"Uh- umm yah" I said

"If I find it not bandaged I'm going to kill you"

"You are the one who cause it anyways" I rolled my eyes

He went behind me and obviously my hand still hid away from him

"It's not even cold. Take off your jacket" he said

I just chose to ignore him

"TAKE IT OFF NOW" he threatened

I slowly pulled it off. Only revealing my shoulders

"Take the entire thing off" he said


I took a deep breath and took it off

And it showed my un-bandaged hand.
"I knew it"

"Look stop trying to control me! I'm freaking 19 already" I whined

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