Chapter 14

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"Ah Seolhyun, missed me?"

What the actual f***? ( keeping things PG :D )

I wanted to run out tell them to get lost . Burn in flames and run around naked while on fire but I saw something happen .

"Don't you dare touch her" a familiar voice said

I tilted my head to only see Jungkook protecting Seolhyun as she hugged his waist.

Seolhyun found the right guy . Not like what I did .

I felt relieved that Seolhyun could depend on Jungkook . Not me .

"Awh. What are you gonna do? Pretty boy" he laughed

Jungkook shot punches at his face and once up his stomach .

"I don't want to see you again . Now , GET LOST" Jungkook said

He immediately got up and ran . He slowed down his pace and turned back .

Well fishball .

He smirked at me and walked away.

I just pointed my middle finger at him . All I can say is oops , my finger slipped .

Seolhyun's POV:

After the man left . I was with Jungkook .

"Saranghae Oppa . Thank you" I said as I hugged him tightly

"Anything for you jagi" he said as he lifted my Chin up and pecked my cheek.

I blushed and smiled awkwardly . We were leaving and it never felt this awkward before .

His hand was brushing against mine . I just stared down and moved my hand closer .

It's not weird. It's love .

Jungkook turned to me and them to our hands that were only a few centimetres apart.

He smiled at me and immediately grabbed my hand.

I again blushed and used my other hand to cover my mouth to prevent him to see me secretly smiling non stop .
We reached my house gate. Aish, I wish I could hold his hand longer.

"We're here!" Jungkook smiled widely

"Ne. Have a safe trip back . Saranghae" I said forming my hands into a heart as he walked away

"Arasso . Saranghae" he did a heart back.

Taehyung's POV:

What the hell is wrong with me?! How am I suppose to face Hyunyoung? What kind of guy calls his Girlfriend a b!txh? Ugh. Are we still together or ... UGH! Hyunyoung . I don't get you . When can I stop falling for you?

Hyunyoung's POV:

Alas, home.

"Hyun-a, why are you home so late?" My dad asked

"Where's Eomma?" I questioned looking around

"I don't know and I don't care"

I sighed and just wished everything could be back to normal .

"Appa . I'm going to bed" I said as I walked up the stairs

I stuffed my face in my pillow .

Suddenly , I heard someone talking . Like really loud outside my window.

I turned and opened the window.

"Aye . I'm fine"

I saw two boys , about the same age as me.

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