22- Truth is out

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I was sitting between Niall and Luke with Ashton, Michael and Calum opposite us. I sighed and snuggled into Nialls side since it was dark and very cold, I didn't see Ashton's jealous look.

"Well this is fun," Michael scoffed scooting away from Ashton to grab the marshmallows.

"Shut up Mike this was your idea," I snapped grabbing the bag of him.

"I didn't know he would be here," he said glaring at Ashton. I guess he still hasn't forgiven him.

"Mike none of us did. Leave it!" Luke snapped standing up to grab the chocolate.

"Sure you would stick up for him," Calum mumbled.

"What do you mean Cal?" Luke asked sitting back down with a hurt expression.

"He only speaks to you. And you only speak to him back. It's like your hiding something Luke. Are we not your friends anymore? Not your brothers and sister anymore? What about that promise we made when we met?" Calum cried. I stood up and walked over to him and pulled him into a hug whispering things to call him down I his ear.

"I didn't forget any of that Cal," Luke said shaking his head. He looked at Ashton who nodded. "But I can tell you what we speak about,"

All heads turned to Luke who looked like he would cry any second.

"Gi, me and Ash know who has been writing them notes and who told him," he tells me looking at me. He then pulls Calum's phone out and shows me the number.

I froze at the very familiar name. No. She hates me. Meghan. I shook my head.

"No this is a prank I know it is. Who did she tell?" I said shaking.

"Ashton," he mumbled. I felt my face pale. Everything. The one person I didnt want it to be it was. Ashton. The boy who broke up with Meghan for a reason. OMG it all makes sense I got the notes after they broke up.

"Gi?" The boys kept saying over and over again. I saw their mouths moving but couldn't hear them. It's like I had cotton in my ear. I shook my head quickly telling them I can't hear.

I saw Luke crying and so was Calum they are the closest to me, have been ever since we met. I met Michael later. Michael was behind me holding me up since my legs gave way. Ashton and Niall were staring at me worried.

Then it went black.

The last thing I saw before it went black was my friends worried and crying.


Bad boy // Ashton Irwin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now