19 | Dreams

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Chapter Nineteen



 stood at the base of the Eiffel Tower and looked up towards the top. It looked so beautiful and I couldn't believe I was actually here. The sky was painted a dark blue and the stars were twinkling; it was something I wish I could take a mental picture so that I could always think of it when i'm down. The moon was out in full display too. It was just the best night i've had in a long time. 

Someone wrapped their arms around me tightly, so I leaned back and inhaled the intoxicating scent radiating off his warm body. My back rested on his chest and I could feel his chest rise and fall along with his breathing. It was comforting and oh so familiar. Garrett popped into my mind and I smiled. We were literally perfect. 

"How are you today, Mrs. Gains?"

I blinked and turned around; surely this was a mistake. There was no way I could have ever married Axel! Sure enough, when I turned around a wave of disappointment overtook my body. He was not who I wanted anymore and he shouldn't be here. Obviously not paying attention to my mood, his hand squeezed me tighter to his well defined body. Looking quickly towards my right ring finger, there was my ring, shining insanely bright in the moonlight.

"Axel?" I questioned, still confused beyond belief.

He smiled and kissed me. His eyes were open so I could blatantly tell how happy he was with me as his wife. Just looking at how happy he was, I started feeling better. Hugging him tighter, I tried to wrap my mind around this whole thing. 

"Wake up, Lauren." I heard and started to blink. 

Instead of opening my eyes I turned over and snuggled deeper into the blankets. He started shaking me a bit but I swatted his hand away. 

"Go away, Axel." I mumbled tiredly.


My eyes shot open and saw Garrett, in all of his Greek God glory, standing there staring at me. I blushed slightly having assumed he was Axel. God I'm so stupid.

"Oh, I thought you went back to work." I said honestly. 

He gave me one of his famous side smiles and stroked my cheek gently, leaving a trail of fire on my skin. 

"Baby, it's only been two hours. I do have to leave now and that's why i'm waking you."

"Oh, what time is it?" I asked as I stretched my sore limbs. 

"2:47 and i'm going to be late. Hopefully i'll see you back at work tomorrow." He kissed me. "Bye." He said and walked out the door. 

I smacked my head forcefully and groaned on impact. Why did i have to dream about Axel when I had Garrett in reality? I mean, honestly, i'm happy about Garrett because I think we'll be good together. I just have to stop liking Axel and that shouldn't be a problem. Chris did say that Garrett was only a temporary replacement while he's gone, and maybe I should not get myself in too deep. 

"Well hello, Lauren." Axel said as he leaned, very sexily, against my door frame with that stupid smirk of his on his face.

Jet came into the room and tried jumping on the bed but he was still too small and couldn't jump that high. Reaching down, I lifted him up and into my lap as I stroked his grey fur. His blue eyes were icy but beautiful. They reminded me of Axel's.

"How was walking Jet? He wasn't too much trouble right?" I asked as I scratched his ears. 

"Nah, no trouble at all." He said as he sat on the bed with me. 

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