30 | Welcome Home

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Chapter Thirty

Welcome Home

I pulled up outside the familiar house and I was dog tired. Hell, even more tired since Jet had fallen asleep a couple hours ago. I had totally forgotten how long it took to drive to Chicago from Jersey. Okay, I was exaggerating. It was only 14 hours, which is about the same as from here to Houston. 

Since it was the middle of September, I thought I prepared a good outfit with my running shorts and sweatshirt. You never know how Chicago weather is because it changes every five minutes. Unfortunately for me, it was a bit on the chilly side, especially because of the breeze off of the lake. Oh well. 

My phone started ringing, so as I opened my car door and stepped out, I answered. 


"Are you here yet?" Chelsy asked on the other line. 

I rolled my eyes. I'd called earlier while I was crossing into Indiana to let her know that I would need some help. She had quickly obliged and said that she would try and get Derek to help, but I knew that wasn't going to happen since they started touring soon. 

"Yeah, I'm here. Come help me unpack, yeah?" I asked sweetly. 

"I'll be there in a half hour. I look terrible!" I was about to whine because I didn't want to do it all by myself when she spoke up in her snooty tone. "But you'll love me for sending someone to help you while I get all ready!" She squealed. 

"Yeah, yeah whatever." I huffed and hung up on her. Immature? Of course, but I was tired. 

I came around the car and opened Jets door, which caused my big ball of fur to jump out and begin barking. I had to hold in a laugh at his antics before I chained him to the ground so I could start unloading. 

"Need some help?" A voice spoke from behind me. 

Whirling around I came into view of Axel. It had only been a week, but I felt as if it was so much longer. After what he told me back in New Jersey, I was sort of a giddy teen again while I waited for this moment. 

"I would love some!" I smiled gratefully and opened the trunk. 

In hindsight, it was a good idea to leave my house to Chelsy because that meant I didn't have to bring any furniture with me. Plus, Chelsy was always at her apartment because she didn't think it was a friendly thing to have sex in your best friends bed... which I will be eternally grateful for. 

All in all, it took about an hour to get everything back in my house and unpacked. I made sure everything looked just as it had before I left. Then I put the fire on and made myself a glass of wine. 

"Would you like anything, Ax?" I asked from the kitchen. 

Arms wrapped around my waist and I held in a shriek. Knowing exactly who it is, I relaxed a bit and allowed myself to bask in the warmth that his body was radiating. 

"I would love something, but nothing that you can provide right now." He said and started kissing the side of my neck. 

Holding back my the moans that were almost begging to be let out, I pushed back against him to try and get him away from me. The feelings that were starting to creep up on my body weren't helping the situation. What I really wanted to do was just rip off his clothes and have my dirty way with him right here and now, but that can't happen. We were supposed to be starting over and we cannot just jump right into this, even if it's what we both want.

"Stop thinking about this, Lee. I'm here and it's you that I want. No one else." His kisses started turning into more sensual ones that made me hear my blood pumping in my ears. I had to set my wine glass down so it wouldn't spill and stain anything. "You're what i've wanted for a long time and i've waited, God, I've waited." He pulled back and stepped away from me. 

Although I missed his warmth greatly, his face told me he was getting serious, and I was instantly worried. He did wait a long time.... did his feelings change? No.. he just told me he wanted me... but...


"No, I actually thought you were going to marry him, Lauren. You were so... serious and happy with him that it killed me. Sam and I, we never should have gotten back together. What we had was done in high school and for doing that to you, I hate myself." He took a step closer but I was rooted in my spot. 

"You don't have to--"

"It made me realize that you were going to be the one that got away. The one that I wanted and really loved but never really had. I was stupid for letting you go." 

"Axel shut up." I said and kissed him with everything I had in me. There was no way he could blame solely himself for this one. I walked away too; I didn't fight for him like I should have. Garrett was perfect - too perfect and I think that's why we didn't work out. 

He responded by grasping my hips tightly and pushing me back into the counter. I had to hold in a whimper as my back hit it a bit too hard. My arms wound themselves around his neck and pulled him as close as I could get him before his hands trailed down and grasped my thighs. 

I gasped as he pulled me up and placed me on the counter while his skilled tongue slipped into my mouth. We were fighting for dominance when his hands roamed under my shirt and I let out a moan as his lips hit my neck and started to tease and suck on the sensitive skin there. I might as well of been panting like a dog by how much I was turned on. 

Having enough of his torturous kisses, I pulled his mouth back to mine as kissed him hard. Sure I said we would be starting over but fuck that right now. 

"Axel." I breathed out as his lips trailed over my collarbone. His groan was the only indication that he was somewhat listening. "b-bedroom." I say in a haste. 

He quickly detached himself from me as his hand stop caressing my stomach. 

"Are you sure?" He asked, but I could see the hope in his eyes. Of course he would be as horny as I was, but hey, he's a guy. 

Smiling, I laughed and nodded my head. His only response was groaning then kissing me hard once again. His hands grabbed at my thighs as he lifted me from the counter and made his way to my bedroom. Once he'd laid me on my bed he took off my sweatpants and crawled between my legs and kissed my neck softly. 

"This means you're mine. No one else is going to fucking touch you alright?" He said in a rough voice as his right hand ran down to the waistband of my panties. 

"Y-yes." I moaned out as he leaned down to capture my lips once again. 

"You're stuck with me forever." He said as he continued his torturous pleasure. "Welcome home, baby."

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