25 | He's A Goddamn Hero For That

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Chapter Twenty-Five

He's A Goddamn Hero For That

A Year Later...

"Bye Cassidy!" I say to the little redheaded girl who had just finished her check up. She was one of my favourite's at this clinic. She's just starting 3rd grade and needed a physical before school started. 

"Bye Bye, Lee!" She beamed at me as she stuck the red lollipop in her mouth. 

I waved goodbye to Martha, Cassidy's mom, who I was good friends with. She lived a couple apartments over from Garrett and I and we've bumped into each other plenty of times. I even babysit for Cassidy and her little brother Caden sometimes when Martha and David went out. 

Sighing, I plop down in my chair and stare at the computer. There was a lovely picture of a happy go lucky couple. The guy with raven hair that was cut short and styled nicely, while the girl had her brown hair cascading down her back. They looked so in love that a pang of jealousy went through my body. Hell, I shouldn't be jealous, I was looking at a picture taken of Garrett and I about a month and a half ago at his friends wedding. 

We looked so in love and I couldn't help but want to rewind and go back to that night. It was one of the few nights that we've enjoyed in a while and it was really hindering our relationship. 

I knew getting involved with a doctor probably wasn't one of the best things to do, especially as being a nurse. Our schedules were bound to be crazy and off, but we thought we could get through it easily. 

Now, were suffering. He has been all over the state helping because of the massive storms New Jersey has been having. And... i've just been here, doing what I used to back when I was in Chicago. 

Deciding that I needed a break, I called up to the front desk and asked them to hold my appointments for the next hour. 

I clicked open my desktop and scrolled down, opening and application and hoping that she was still as poor of a worker as ever.

"LAUREN!" Came a shout through the computer screen. 

Laughing, I waved a bit at the bubbly blonde that was smiling like a maniac on the other side.

"Chelsy! I miss you." I confess. Sure, Martha is nice and all, but I just don't hang out with her and do things like Chelsy and I used to do. 

"How's Jersey?" She asked as she scooted closer to the screen. 

"It's good. Same as Chicago actually, just a lot closer to the beach." 

"I bet! Derek just raves about that place. I think it's one of his favourite venues. Aside from Chicago because you know, I'm there." She said with a cheeky grin. And yes, she is still dating the one and only Derek Sanders from Mayday Parade. And yes, I am still insanely jealous. 

"That reminds me! Ask Der to text me the shows in Jersey and I'll let him know which one to put my name on the guestlist." Uh, yes I do take my connections with my favourite band seriously. No shame.

"Okay I will." She laughed. "So how's Garrett?" She asked and I breathed in a shaky breath. How was Garrett? That was a mighty fine question. 

"He's, uh, good?" It sounded more like a question than an answer and I knew she didn't believe me. 

"Laur, you have told him how strained you feel the relationship has gotten right?" She asked in a concerned tone. 

Of course I have not he's hardly ever around when I am, and if he is, he's asleep.

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