22 | The Big News

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Chapter Twenty-Two

The Big News


"Garrett wake up we're going to be late!" I scream from the bathroom. 

I was trying frantically to get myself ready for the important meeting. We could not be late and if that good for nothing boyfriend of mine does not get up i might ring his neck. 

Arms surrounded my stomach and I let out a sigh of relief. He was up which means I can now focus on trying to make myself look presentable in..... a half hour, great. 

"Baby, calm down. We're just going out to eat with our parents." Garrett said in a teasing voice. 

"Oh sure, just because your parents are cool doesn't mean mine are!" I turned around in his arms. "You remember when you met them last time; they went crazy! Your parents are going to hate me now." I said dejectedly. 

"Hey don't think like that." He said and placed a kiss upon my head. "They love you, Lee." 

I smiled up at him. How could I ever have doubted myself when it came down to Garrett? He was everything a girl could want and more. We get into fights here and there but we've always managed to over come them and go back to natural. 

"I love you." I said in complete sincerity. I never thought I could find a love like this after everything that happened. Also, I had gotten the best of both worlds. Axel and I were able to stay just friends, as he is completely devoted to Samantha again. I'm happy for him, even if I still hate her with all of my being, he deserved to be happy. 

We never hung out alone, and I made sure to fess up what had gone on between Axel and I to Garrett. He understood and didn't make a big deal because I did choose him. 

Tonight was different though, and I felt it. Garrett had something big planned and I was as excited as a kid in a candy store. He told me that he was excited to tell me the news, and he thought i'd like it. I've been talking to Chelsy about it all week and she can't seem to contain her excitement either. Even Axel is wondering what the news is!

So I slipped on my favourite red dress and I went for my flats today since I didn't want to be slipping out of the heels. It's been unusually warm this summer, but I love it. 

Grabbing my purse, I go to make my way downstairs when i'm grabbed from behind. Letting out a squeal as I'm lifted up. I hear Garrett laugh and feel his body shake with laughter. 

When he sets me down I turn around and kiss him swiftly. He pulled me tighter and let a groan out when I bit down lightly on his bottom lips. I opened one of my eyes and saw that we were going to be late if we didn't stop soon. So reluctantly, I pulled away. 

"As much as i'd love to spend the day here with you, we have to get to our parents." I ran my hands down his white button up and bit my lip. "And you have some good news to tell me, so I don't want to wait much longer to show you how happy I'm going to be." Throwing a wink in his direction before walking out the door in a hurry. 

Laughing as he came after me, I trotted down the stairs, making sure not to fall. 

When I reached the bottom, Jet jumped up on me, almost knocking me over. Garrett swiftly caught me and I pushed Jet away softly. He was so much bigger now, but he was still the best dog ever. 

"Let's go before he wants to play." Garrett whispered in my ear. 

Nodding my head, I pet the top of Jet's head then headed out the door. Now was the nerve wrecking dinner. 


"Lauren! It's nice to see you again." Laura, Garrett's mother said as we sat down at the table. 

"Great to see you again too, Laura." I looked over towards the man who looked just like Garrett. "Jim." 

"Every time I see you, you just get that much prettier." Jim said as he winked at me then turned to his son. "Garrett, i'm surprised you still have held on to this lovely girl for all this time."

"Dad." Garrett groaned, but I couldn't help but chuckle. 

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Samuels." Garrett chirped in the direction of where my parents sat.

"Hello Garrett, nice to see you again." She said in a pleasant voice towards my boyfriend. "Laur" She said directed at me. 

Nodding my head in her direction, we got on with ordering our food. 

It was all going so well, my parents were actually talking and acting like normal people. We were all laughing and joking around when Garrett cleared his throat. My heart leaped into my throat knowing that this was the important news. 

"So, as you may know I wanted to let you guys know the news I found out recently." He said in a calm voice. "It turns out Chris is coming back from rehab and i'm being transferred back to New Jersey." 

His parents literally squealed with delight at that, since they'd recently moved to New York. However, I just sat their dumbfounded. 

He's leaving. I knew this was going to happen, Chris had to come back at some point, but I never knew it would be this fast. I honestly love Garrett and I don't know how i'm going to be able to let him leave me. I thought he loved me too. 

At that thought, my eyes clouded over and my vision blurred. Tears were threatening to overflow when I felt lips on my cheek and a hand caressing the other.

Looking back over at Garrett, he gave me a sad smile. He must have guessed what I was thinking over. 

"Don't worry, Lee, I'm not finished." He said with a brilliant smile. "I talked to the head nurse, and they said that it would be okay for you to transfer back with me, if you want." He said and then looked really nervous.

"Me? Go to New Jersey with you?" I asked in an astonished voice. He really wanted to talk me to New Jersey with him?!

"Really, baby." He said and gave a little laugh. 

I looked at my parents and they were awe-struck. I gave them a weak smile and it seemed to lift the mood and then gave me wide smiles back. 

"I think that could be just what she needs, Garrett." My mom said and grabbed a hold of my dad's hand. He nodded in agreement. 

My smile just got bigger and bigger thinking of what it would be like to get away from the hustle and bustle of the third largest city in the states. I'd be closer to real salt water, and i'd be with the man I love. 

"I'd love to." I said and Garrett kissed me with so much passion I thought I would suffocate. 

"Oh God, Lauren, I love you." He breathed as both sets of parents were now talking about different things, but I did hear the word 'wedding' being thrown around a lot and I couldn't help but giggle. 

Peppering kisses all over his face in glee, I asked the question I needed to know. 

"So when are we moving?" 

"Chris will be back in two weeks, so I say we start packing now. I've set up an apartment with the hospital right now but once we fly in we can look for houses so that Jet can have a place to play." He said and looked at our parents. "I'm sorry, but I've got an early morning and I have to go." He apologized. 

"That's alright, Honey. Call us later." His mom said as she hugged and kissed us both. 

"Bye mom, bye dad." I said as I hugged them.

"Bye bye love, we're really happy for you." They said and then said goodbye to Garrett. 

As we were walking out hand in hand, I pulled him in for a heated kiss. 

"Now take me home and let me show you how happy I am." I breathed into his ear. 

I laughed as he threw me over his shoulder and started running to the car. Oh God, I'm so in love with him it's ridiculous.

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