23 | Please

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Chapter Twenty-Three


"Babe I'm leaving! I'll see you at the clinic later." Garrett said as he grabbed his keys and kissed my cheek.

I watched him leave in his perfect way. He looked as good as ever, not to mention he has a nice ass.... But I was still reeling from the news. This was something that we needed to do. At first it came as a shock because hello, we've only been dating for six months but still. It shows me how dedicated he is to me and I like just how much he's proving it. Right now, I don't think I could be any happier.

Turning around, I looked at the boxes that lingered in the living room. Garrett and I decided that because the new apartment is furnished, that we'd let Chelsy move in here so it would be better for her commute. 

Shaking my head I filled up Jet's food and water bowl before I set off towards the clinic. 

Walking in, I smiled at all the people in the waiting room. Dreary days like this always hold long days for people in healthcare. It's like they all suddenly get sick with some acute disease or sickness just because the weather isn't good. 

"Morning, Chels." I said as I passed her at the front desk. 

She squealed and hopped up right away. She's been on crack lately after I let her know the big news. She was ecstatic about it and she made me promise that i'll come visit her. 

"Hey!" She said in a cheery voice as she handed over the file. "Here's your first one of the day." She threw me a wink then went back behind the desk. 

Looking down I read the name out loud with a smile. 

"Brent Williams." 


My phone buzzed and I had just enough energy to hit the speakerphone button.

"What's up, Chels?" I asked in a tired voice.

Twenty-five patients have come in today. I think it's a record high for me. So many complaints, but that is what I do. 

"Sending back the last one. Hang in there babe, Garrett might need some energy later tonight." I could practically hear the smirk in her voice.

So Garrett and I have had sex. Big freaking deal.... okay it was a HUGE deal but I don't get why she's making such a fuss about it. I mean come on, she's still banging the lead singer of my favourite band! What I would do to him...


My head snapped up and a genuine smile lit up my face.

"Axel! Come on in." I said and received the chart from the drawer. "How've you been lately? Everything going well?" 

He nodded and then his smile turned into a frown. I always did wish to know what was going on in that head of his. Yet it's not my concern anymore. We're just friends and I'm moving half way across the country in a little under a month. 

"I'm good. Need some blood tests done for work." He said nonchalantly. "How's the move coming along?" He asked in almost a bitter tone. 

Quirking an eyebrow I gave him my i'm-not-messing-around look. He cannot judge me for doing something on my own anymore. 

"It's actually going wonderfully. We've already flown out to look at the apartment complex and it's just lovely. You can smell the salt water and it makes me feel wonderful." 

He just blinked and stared at me without any emotion. 

"Can you just draw my blood so I can go?" He asked in a rude tone. 

Nodding, I got up and washed my hands. Making sure they were dry enough, I then put on my gloves and retrieved the vile and the needle i'll need for the extraction.

"You don't get faint from needles or getting your blood drawn, correct?: I asked as I situated everything. 

"Not at all." He said and rolled up his sleeve. 

I then felt the inside of his right arm, looking for a good vein to probe. Finally feeling one on the medial side, I tied off the vein right above it. Sticking the needle in and getting the vein, I made sure that I took out only as much as I needed before removing the needle and untying the turnakit.

"Well you are all good!" I said as I turned the cap to the vile of blood and marked it before setting it on the tray. "your results should be back in a couple of days. I'll have Chelsy contact you and then you can talk to either me or Dr. Galloway for any questions, alright?"

"I understand." He said and I turned around and discarded my gloves. 


I turned around and Axel was giving me a heartbreaking look. It hurt my eyes to look at him looking so...hurt. 


He took a couple steps forward and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back, on the verge of tears. 

"Don't go. Stay here..... with me."

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