1 | Axel Gains

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Chapter One
Axel Gains 

I was the girl that everyone made fun of in high school because I read a lot. All the popular kids picked on me, and I hated them. Well, everyone except Axel. He was the only exception because I had a crush on him, and I used to tutor him. So I knew the real him; the one not surrounded by the popular's. I dare say that that I think we could have even become friends, but it didn't happen. I helped him with biology, and then, when we stopped and he was back with the popular's, he never made fun of me. Of course, he never really stood up for me either, but it was still a start.

But that was seven years ago and i'm over it. I'm now a nurse in Chicago and my life is great. I never had to see those people after graduation. Or so I thought.

"Hey, Laur, you have a noon appointment!" My friend, Chelsy yelled.

"Okay! I'm going now, thanks." I called to her as I picked up the chart and entered the room. 

"Good morning, what brings you in today." I say as I raise my eyes up from the chart.

There is a man sitting on the exam table. He has blonde hair and built arm muscles. He is definitely gorgeous. But his bright blue eyes tell me that I know him.

He smirks at me and raises an eyebrow as his eyes move up and down my body. I gulped before I attempted speaking again.

"What brings you in today?" I ask again.

"I'm just here for a check up." He said. "You look awfully familiar, do I know you?"

I quickly look up. "I don't believe so." I pause. "Now let's get started."

"Wait. What's your name?" He asks.

"This is highly inappropriate." I sigh. "Lauren Samuels." A smile came across his face and boy was he handsome.

"Ah, Lauren. You look so different. You've definitely changed."

I was confused. He knew who I was yet I still couldn't figure out who he was.

"I'm sorry, I don't know you." I said and went back to business. I grabbed the stethoscope and placed it on his chest.

His heart was beating unusually fast as I watched the time and counted the beats. Huh. I raised my eyebrow and looked at him. His face was way too close to mine and my breathing hitched.

I retracted my hand and moved away from him. I wrote the numbers on his chart when I heard him speak.

"You really don't remember me?"

I turned around and shook my head. "Sorry, I really don't." 

"But how can you forget me? You had the biggest crush on me in high school." He said and smiled.

"Wha-" but realization already set in. Axel. He looked the same, yet different.  I decided it was time to say it. "Axel?"

He grinned in response and held his arms out.

"In the flesh." Oh Joy. Please, God, kill me now and put me out of my misery.

"Great, now that we've established that we know each other, let's get this over with so you can leave." I said and got the blood pressure pump and placed it on his bicep.

"You don't want me to really leave, do you?" 

"Actually, I do. I have other patients to get to, and I don't want to waste anymore time on some old school mate that tormented me during high school. 

He got up from his seat and walked over to me.

"Don't lie, you had the best time in high school with me." Axel said and winked.

"I did not! You and your friends tortured me! I was all alone during those four years and you made it so much worse." I said loudly, then took a deep breath. "Okay, all your stats are normal and you're all up to date with your shots so you're free to go." I said then grabbed his charts and walked towards the door.

But he was blocking it.

"Axel, move." I said in an irritated voice. I don't think he heard me because he started walking towards me.

"I always thought you were pretty." He said as his hand rested on my cheek. "But looking at you now, you're beautiful." He said and started to lean in.

I quickly backed away and ran for the door then sprinted to my office. I took some deep breaths as I tried to calm my racing heart. Axel Gains is not in Chicago. He can't be. I moved here after high school. He is supposed to be in Houston with the rest of his friends.

My phone lit up and started ringing.

"Hello, Lauren Samuels speaking." I say into the receiver.

"Okay, spill on your super hot patient." Chelsy pretty much screamed into the phone.

"What do you want to know?" I said as I twirl my pen in my hand. I haven't told her yet about what really happened back in high school. I tried to make a new name for myself. 

"How you know him. Why he's here. Is he a past Beau? Is he a hook up? Do you like him? If not, can I have him?" She said before I stopped her.

"Woah, slow it down. How do you even know that I know him?" I asked with a laugh.

"Cause he said so when he asked for your card." She stated.

"What?! He wanted my card?" What would Axel want with my card?

"Yeah. Then he asked if I had your cell number and I told him i'm not supposed to give that out, but he said he knew you so..."

"You gave it to him?" I said incredibly loud. Who the heck does that?

"Yeah, now tell me how you know him."

"Come over to my house tonight and I will." I said dejectedly.

"Okay, see you later."

I said goodbye and hung up the phone. He has my number, but I bet he won't call. Or I hope he doesn't. ugh, this is going to be a long day.

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