32 | Please Be Mine

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1 year later.....

"I REALLY FUCKING HATE YOU OKAY? LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed at Axel for what seemed like the millionth time. There is no way he was getting out of this. He knew better, he freaking knew how i'd react to this! I could feel my heart break at the thought of what happened. Nothing was going to fix what he did, and I would surely hate him forever now.

"Oh come on, baby-"

"Don't you say that word Axel James. Don't you fucking dare." I spat at him. 

He just crossed his arms over his chest and I wanted to run out of the building to get some space. The beautiful redhead that was smirking next to him just put me in a worse mood. How the hell could he do this after a year? I just wanted to rip out every single pretty hair on that girls head and then toss Axel out a window and pray that a bus hit him whilst he was trying to get up. 

A laugh broke me out of the morbid and frankly murderous thoughts that i was having. Chelsy waltzed her way into the building laughing and i wanted to throw her out the window too. Why did no one respect me? People just go on with their lives thinking I don't have an opinion or even matter. I was sick and tired of it. 

Pointing my finger at Axel, I made it clear. 

"You don't talk to me. Don't breathe in my direction. I want nothing to do with you ever again!" Swirling around I made my way to the entrance. I was suffocating in that damned space. 

"Lauren!" I heard being called from behind me but I ignored the annoying voice and kept walking. The mission was not over until I was right in front of my TV with a big tub of Ben and Jerry's Caramel Sutra Ice Cream. He's a fucking idiot. I hate him. 

A hand grabbed my forearm and twisted me and I was pushed up against the wall. I looked into the ice blue eyes that I used to love so much. Not anymore. 

"I'm sorry baby." He whispered and his gentle tone pulled on my heartstrings so bad that I thought they were going to break. 

"You're not sorry. Sorry isn't even enough." I mumbled and pushed on his chest. Thankfully he released me and took a step back. His face looked sad, and I almost regretted what I was doing. Almost. 

"Goodbye, Ax." I whispered as I dashed around him and through the door. This time he didn't come after me. He let me go, just like he should have. 

I can't believe he had it all planned out. He wanted me to be surprised? Well you better believe I was surprised. It still doesn't change the fact that he went behind my back with that redheaded women to do this to me! 

He knows i'm a shy person, but I was working on it. What he did was inexcusable and the next time I see him it will be too soon. Unfortunately we live together so that's going to be a struggle when he gets home....

I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.


The door opened as tears flowed freely down my face. Zac Efron was currently crying because he was late getting to the sacred spot for his brother. Just seeing his tearful face made me sob uncontrollably. There's just something about men crying that gets to me...

"Awe baby don't cry!" I hear Axel say. followed by his footsteps over to me. My eyes remained focused on the guilt ridden and incredibly hot man on the TV. 

"Lauren talk to me please." He begged and I finally turned to face him. 

What I wasn't prepared for was how his blue eyes popped out more because they were surrounded by red. Axel had been crying. 

Reaching out, I placed my hand on his cheek and watched his eyes close and his face subtly lean into my hand. I stroked his stubly face as I studied his face. He looked so innocent. 

"Why'd you do it, Axel?" I asked quietly, not sure if I wanted an answer or not. 

"I thought it would have been a little bit of a shock, but I never wanted what happened to have happened. I love you, Lauren. I was a jerk and I know it. That's why i'm going to make it up to you." He vowed.

"It's not that easy-"

"Yes it is!" He got down on one knee and reached for his pocket. I shot up and almost tackled him to the floor.

"Axel." I said in a warning voice. There was no way he was about to do this - again.

"I know I fucked it up earlier! I thought you'd like the attention on you!" He defended. "That doesn't change how I feel about you though, Lee. I still love you with everything and I still want to marry you." 

"You don't get it!" I yelled. "I felt like you were pressuring me into it. Like why couldn't you have just taken me out to a nice restaurant and then do it there? Why did Balinda," I spat out her name. "have to be there too?" I said with hurt lacing my voice. 

"Baby, are you... jealous?" He asked while his eyes held a mysterious glint that I didn't like. 

"Of course i'm jealous! Look at you, you're perfect! How can someone like you want someone like me, huh?" I asked. "Balinda is a model, Ax. A Model!" 

He got up from his knees and stood in front of me. Cradling my face in his big hands he made me look him in the eyes.

"I only want you. You're the most caring person that i've ever met. You're absolutely beautiful and I don't get why you can't see how perfect you are, and how perfect we are together. Fuck Balinda. She's a model, so what? She's not you." He emphasized. "No one is ever going to be you." He laughed. "I should hate you for it, but I can't help but love you more. You've absolutely ruined girls for me, Lee. So just be mine. Please...... Be Mine." 

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