21 | I'm Sorry

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Chapter Twenty-One

 I'm Sorry


"What do you mean no?" He whined, but I wasn't backing down. I've made up my mind and I was sticking with Garrett. Why on earth couldn't he get his head around it. 

"Axel i'm not in the mood to explain this." I sighed. "I'm not going out with you tonight and you're not coming in here. Now please just leave me alone." 

Maybe he would just turn around and walk away without giving a fight. Oh, I was wrong about that. For heaven's sake why can't anything ever go right for me?

"Lauren, come on we can work this out!" He tried to convince me, but I just wasn't having it.

Tugging the door closed behind me, I stepped out onto the front porch. It was still a bit chilly and I made sure to kill the feeling of the cold. 

"You're not understanding! I'm with Garrett you have to accept that now. We barely had anything and it didn't mean anything so you can go on with your life. I'm sorry you had to move up here just to be let down, but that's life. No one ever gets what they want." 

I tugged my sweater tighter to my body. My eyes had held strong throughout this argument and I was happy about that. Of course I was torn up about what I had to do, I knew that it was for the best. 

Axel and I were always destined to be 'what ifs' with each other. The person that you always wish something would have happened with because you knew that if it would happen, it would be amazing. Yet... it never happens. What if we did this differently, or what if i said that instead. Chelsy calls them white buffalo or something like that; the person you want, but can't have. I've accepted that he's mine, and now I need him to understand that it's time to let me go. 

"Lauren please." He said in a broken voice. 

When my eyes snap up to his, all of the world seems to come crashing down. He looks so young and vulnerable that it makes my heart hurt. I just had to keep reminding myself that we had our shot and it didn't work out. 

"I'm sorry, Axel, but you should go." I said as I turned my back on him and walked into my house. Leaving behind the one man that I thought was the one of my dreams... 

A/N: Sorry that this is a short one, but its been a rocky day. I'll try and upload more this upcoming week.

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