Chapter 11: Lights in Darkness

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I am in a deep sleep, a deep sleep. I have to keep telling myself that to make my brain shut up! I just can't stop thinking about all the events in these few days. It's nice that Mrs. Chagney was trying to protect me with the letters. It makes me wonder what letters were real, or if any at all! I have a feeling that the letter with medical supplies was true, and she did seem very shocked at my head. She seems nice enough, but I'm not sure I can trust her entirely.  

Why should I tell her when if I meet with Erik again? He hasn't made himself know to me, no rustled curtains or otherwise, all evening. Can I trust her? I have to be careful. Ugh, why am I so uncomfortable? I am in one of the most coziest beds ever, but I feel so strange.  Finally, my exhaustion catches up with me.

My eyes snap open, as if someone had just been shaking me awake. A cool, foreboding breeze tickles the back of my neck. I open my eyes and stare around the plush room and sit up. It's not dark, because of the candles I lit earlier.  As if triggered by this thought, the candes start to blow out one by one. This can't be good. I close my eyes tightly, if he is here, I will open them when he speaks. A few minutes pass. I can't stand this anymore. No one is in the room, living or dead. The candles are still out, otherwise it might have been a dream. Just when I decide to go back to sleep, I notice a shockingly red rose sitting on another letter. The smell of pipe smoke invades my nose. I realize that this scent was not on Mrs. Chagney's false letter. It must be real. Fingers trembling, I peel back the wax seal.


You know where you can find me, but I daren't venture out.



It's nice to think that we're on a first name basis now, perhaps I will be able to solve this mystery- tonight! I don't have to think long on where he is. I try my hardest to be quiet when I leave my room and walk towards the prima donna room, but in the silent opera house, every movement, every breath seems deafening. My heartbeat pounds like a base drum, my footsteps clatter like cymbals. I'm almost there. I don't have to open the door to the room it is open. I close my eyes and step across the threshold.

I open my eyes to see the Phantom in the open hole of the absent mirror, beckoning for me to come with him. I straighten my blue peacoat, the one that goes all of my adventures. I start to walk towards him. The air has gone chilly and stale.  The lights are completely out. However, a strange glow is seeping from the gold frame; it seems as if it's existing on another plane, as if it's not entirely part of this world. I step faster, not wanting Mrs. Chagney to startle in on me. I remember the promise I made her only hours ago and I can't help but feel guilty for breaking it. "Come with me." Erik says, holding out his hand, beckoning. Without another thought, I grab it and step into his realm. 


We finally reach the same spot we spoke before. Nothing has changed since. Erik gestured for me to sit. He went to his spot, just like before. "Was it really you who sent me the box with medical supplies? After the what Mrs. Chagney said, I am not sure what is real or not. You do disappear and such, so you must be a ghost." I started, I am so confused. 

"You doubt me, Perri?" He asked, looking a bit hurt. "No, I just want to know the truth." I replied clearly. I am tired a lies and mysteries, for once. "Yes, I did give the box. And I did give some letters. Now, the reason you are here now is because I need something from you." He stated in a demanding tone. "What can I do?" He nods his head then starts. " When you write your article, I want you to state that nothing was here. I want you to state I am not real at all." 

A single breath could have knocked me over. he had revealed himself to me. And now, he wanted to pretend he didn't exist? "What? But, I thought you liked the attention the opera house was getting and all. What am I gonna say? 'Oh, sorry everyone. The Phantom is actually a joke, had a great time though!' I can't say that!" I retorted. How can he ask this of me? "I had thought you understood when I told why I was here. Relax. I have no intentions of making a mockery out of your writing." He replied, sounding upset and frusterated. I guess I need to listen. "Okay, I'm sorry. But why?" I asked, still confused. 

"I have too much respect for this Opera to let it become a ghost attraction. After you publish this story, the ghost detectives will come. It will ruin the Opera's good name. I want this place to be taken care of, and enjoyed and visited for it's beauty and music. Not because of some legend. This shrine to the opera should be inhabited by music lovers, patrons of the arts. And not mystery-chasing fools." He said pointedly, looking at me reproachingly. Ouch, I think, 'mystery-chasing fool'. He continues. "You are repuatable, and respectful. The comment was not for you. I am ready to go. I have learned to forgive and be forgiven. I am no longer afraid of the afterlife, because I feel peace for some reason. And yet, it's all thanks to you, Perri. You have shown me kindness, even when you were here to just discover me. Thank you." he looked at me with a serious expression. It was really sweet, but very melencholy. It was, for me, a tear jerker moment. "So, you see, if you will print that I do not exist, it will be the truth."

"Thank you for sharing this with me. And you have my word, nothing will be said of your existence now. If it's all right, though, I would like to tell the story of the opera ghost that used to haunt the opera house with his friendly presence." I said this with a sweet smile. He looked relieved as he let out a sigh, but looked back up to me. "That would be fine. One last thing before my passing, I want to hear singing. Any kind of song, but singing from a woman. A sweet one like you. Can you sing for me?" He looked at me with tears in his eyes. Another thing I didn't know spirits could do. I have never sang for anyone really before, but I wasn't an awful singer. Why not? 

"I don't know any Opera." I say sheepishly. I am a Opera enthusist, but I am not sure I can sing it myself. "Anything soft and beautiful, like you and your soul, Perri." He smiled at me. His joy and sadness was getting at me. " I will sing for you." I say as I walk over to him. I place my hands on his shoulder. "Please learn to be happy, wherever you are." I say to him smiling. I grab his hands as I begin to sing this song, Impossible. It seems to fit everything that's been going on around me.

"Somos novios

Pues los dos sentimos mutuo amor profundo

Y con eso ya ganamos lo más grande

De este mundo

Nos amamos, nos besamos

Como novios

Nos deseamos y hasta a veces

Sin motivo, sin razón

Nos enojamos" 

He closes his eyes and smiles. A few tears fall down from his face. I can see his hands start to fade away. I quickly brush away my own tears and begin again. I begin to feel my voice growing, as if I am becoming a singing star.

"Somos novios

Mantenemos un cariño limpio y puro

Como todos

Procuramos el momento más oscuro

Para hablarnos

Para darnos el más dulce de los besos

Recordar de qué color son los cerezos

Sin hacer mas comentarios

Somos novios

It's just impossible

Somos Novios" 

A beautiful, soft light shines through all the darkness and labyrinth of tunnels. He opened his eyes and mouthed "Brava!' before the light embraced him into itself, untill he disappeared. That was it, he was gone.  I look to the spot where he vanished and smiled. "Thank you." I mutter. I always thank the unknown after a case. Erik will be happy, I know it. I gasp; I forgot to take a picture. I go to reach for the camera, but Erik's words echoed in my mind. I take one last look at the place, then, decisively, spin on my heels and leave. Another mystery solved.

The Perri Mistero Series: Black Roses FallWhere stories live. Discover now