Epilogue: The Curtains Close

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A week after returning home: 

I sit at my desk, my fingers hovering over the keyboard. What do I say? How can I write this without disappointing the readers?Maybe I can wait another week. No Perri! "Fudge!" I yell outloud. I don't know what to do. 

I look through some old letters from the Phantom. I even look through the ones Mrs. Chagney wrote. I was able to identify the real ones by their scent. A smoke like smell. Mrs. Chagney's letters didn't have that. Jeez, I miss her. Sure, she did trick me, but it was out of concern. I still could use a greeter. I smile and shake my head from the nonsense. I will have to email her and see what she thinks of the article when I am done. Let's do it. 

'Hey, creepy crawlers! I know it's been awhile since I came back. And, yes, I know you want all the eerie details. But, I think there is an overall message that you should all think about before our story begins. 

Kindness is completely underestimated. Kindness is in the heart of everyone, buried deeper than others, but it is there. Kindness can change a persons life. Being kind changes lives. Kindness can turn your day around for the better. This is a gift to people, and recieved with open arms by many. If we can just be kind to others, the world would have less sorrow, less let downs, and more smiles and love. Some people never experience kindness, and it affects them gravely. Being kind to that one lonely person, well, you just don't know what you are doing for them. I guess I didn't know that till after this trip. Don't judge someone by there looks, how they act, there intelligence level, or there finacial income. Judge them by there heart. Judge them by there kindness. In total, give people a chance! Treat others, as you would like to be treated. And that, my creeps, is the message today. Keep it in your thoughts while you read. Now, I present you, The Mystery of The Phantom of The Opera! ' 

After that heartfelt speech, I had to grab a tissue. Why am I so God dang teary? I wrote and wrote what felt like all day. I recalled all the events, Mrs. Chagney, the bakery, the fall, the roses, everything! Then I started writing about my final words with the phantom. I stopped. I read them over and over. I couldn't do it, so I deleted that and put in that a worker was pretending, but I believed the ghost had really haunted it in the past, long since departed. 

I know, I know. A cliche move on my part. But, I had to protect the Opera, and I had to honor the Phantom's request. Don't worry, I made sure the pesky worker got justice. And, I even swore up and down that the place wasn't haunted. Well, that much was true. I left as a case closed on behalf of foul play. The readers will be happy, but maybe a bit disappointed he wasn't 'real'. Oh, well. 

I close my laptop after I submitted the post. Almost immediatly I can hear all the notifications of the reads. I close my eyes. I let my mind wander back to my last day at the Opera. I remember how I traveled to the back of the Opera, where a secluded garden lay. I dug a hole and placed a red satin hankercheif in the ground. I the placed down a black rose with a ribbon tied to it. I covered it with black satin and re-buried the hole. I then set in the tombstone. 

'Here Lies in Remberence of 


Unknown date of birth - Passing 01/10/13. 

A man who let kindness touch his heart, even when darkness would reside. He will be remembered as a missunderstood genius. A man who never let the curtains close. '

I open my eyes. I bet he is in peace. I smile; I felt filled with joy that I could do that. But, that's me. I always like to give thanks somehow. My attention is turned away when the the phone rings. I get up and almost trample my poor dog. "Sorry, Pudding!" I say lovingly. I grab the cell and quickly slide to unlock. "Hey, Emma! Do have something new?" 

A new case is calling to me.

The Perri Mistero Series: Black Roses FallWhere stories live. Discover now